We were biking to the garden store with the dogs. There was a pole, my bike, Vlad and his leash... I went one way, Vlad went the other, tangling the leash around the pole and causing Carrie Lynn to fly off her bike
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I dreamt on Tuesday night... that Ruud and I were living in the 1800's. He was a shoe maker and I was his wife. We had at least one child
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Arriving April 20th and leaving back home to The Netherlands April 27th. I'm soooo excited! I'll mostly be in Cambridge, but still. I cannot wait! Wish I could stay longer, but this is the only time I could get off. It's gonna rock!
Got up this morning... no hot water. Now I'm one of these people that NEEDS their shower in the morning. I'm cranky, annoying and generally a pain in the butt when I don't get my morning shower
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We have this bay type window in our living room, above it is a flat room... which is flooded from the storm. About 10 minutes after I got home it began to leak. I am sitting here with towels everywhere and pots and bowls collecting the water. The rain is starting again. Ruud is on his way home to try and help me. The rain is so hard it is coming
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