
Aug 01, 2010 18:37

Name: Callie
Personal LJ: callie_chan
Contact Info: FyreflyzBlaze on AIM
Other Characters Played: Zevran Arainai, Dias Flac, Schuldig
Preferred Housing: N/A

Character Name: Lewellyn Bryse (usually goes by Lyn)
Character Age: 237 in actuality, but this is fairly young by demonic standards and his human form reflects that, appearing about 17-18 in age at most. Consider it below 18 for the purposes of sticking him in a child slot~
Background: Lewellyn's world is a fairly standard example of the modern world with the addition of supernatural elements. Though they play a small and reclusive role (at least, as far as they are officially acknowledged) in the world at large, many creatures that were once considered purely fantastical - specifically vampires, lycanthropes, angels, and demons of numerous varieties - have been confirmed to exist in reality, though it's rare for humans to encounter any of them personally. With the exception of angels - not actually messengers of any known god so much as a species with impressive powers, pacifistic tendencies, and an almost paternal concern for the human race, though they attempt to remain neutral in conflict - direct encounters are rarely peaceful or pleasant. The lycanthropes tend to be significantly more aggressive and feral than humans, with only the most clever and self-controlled being able to blend into human society; vampires naturally prey upon humans, and while not all the long-held lore regarding them is true, humanity has still picked up on what obvious tells there are so they, too, have difficulties concealing themselves; and demons have nearly as much power as angels but a seemingly bottomless well of maliciousness and bitterness toward the human race that they will take almost any opportunity to vent. However, since humanity outnumbers all of the supernatural species put together, encounters between the groups are generally discouraged and each society mainly keeps to itself, while keeping a wary eye on the others - and any rogue elements that go against this unspoken agreement to blatantly cause trouble among another species will find themselves the target of both respective groups' versions of law enforcement.

And so the tentative truce maintains itself; angels and demons keep to their respective realms(called Heaven and Hell in all languages but their own, if only because these serve as concepts humanity recognizes - and in any case, as with vampires, there are at least some details about their realms that humans got right over the years), vampires are fed by formal arrangement, lycanthropes keep to the most remote of wildernesses, and humanity carefully pretends none of them are there. It's generally accepted that the only reason humans haven't tried to wipe out any of the groups with the benefit of superior numbers is that humanity would then present itself as a common enemy and result in all the species banding together against it, resulting in a staggeringly costly war for all parties. Further, humanity has been considerably divided by the discovery of demons and angels and their lack of connection to any recognized concept of Heaven, Hell, or religion; the numerous and heated schizms in human society over the significance of this would make any concerted effort by humanity impossible, and most of the other species darkly speculate that a human civil war that may 'even the odds' is inevitable.

In the midst of all this confusion and conflict lives Lewellyn - a demon of no great strength or significance.

For all of his life, Lewellyn has had the bad luck of being a small and weak member of a society that has very little use for what amounts to a runt. After a brief stint of being a toady for other demons - something that didn't sit well with Lewellyn at all, as being kicked around by the other denizens of Hell made taking orders from them even less appealing that it might have been otherwise - he opted instead to leave Hell entirely. He surreptitiously entered human society, even choosing a name for himself that he's not actually fond of at all, purely on the grounds that 'Lewellyn' sounds as non-demonic as possible. As demons tend to be the most relaxed in regards to maintaining the truce, and as Lyn went to lengths not to be majorly disruptive, he wasn't particularly missed and no one really bothered with a weak demon who wasn't making any (noticeable) trouble.

As Lyn found himself amongst those weaker than himself in the human world, with no one to oppress him, he quickly opted to spend as much time there as possible, lurking in human guise among the similarly disenfranchised - usually the poor, the homeless, and the alienated. His disgust in the weak was only outweighed by his resentment of the strong, and he began to live more and more as a normal human - both because he had little need of his demonic powers in the human world(and few enough occasions where he could use them without giving himself away), and because there was an element of pride to it; if he could make it as a normal human where even real humans couldn't, clearly he was superior. (Remember that he is, essentially, a teenager with an inferiority complex; it's important to him to prove that he's better than somebody else.) Of course, having not a single resource as a human and having acquired a strong distaste for working for anyone else as a demon, he's survived all these years mostly by stealing from others, sneaking in where he's not wanted, taking advantage of anything that's free, and bolting if anyone confronts him. He's something like a modern-day Aladdin without any of the charm or catchy music numbers.

The world did change over the years, which turned to decades and then centuries, but while the details changed, the situations remained the same, and there were always outcasts for Lyn to hide himself amidst. And so Lewellyn has continued more or less as he began, undisturbed and completely overlooked, for over two hundred years. Oh, he's made the occasional brief foray back into Hell, but Hell has never changed much either - certainly not enough to entice him to return.

Over the passage of all that time however, Lewellyn has changed. For one thing, many of his demonic powers have atrophied significantly, and he was a fairly weak demon to begin with. For another, he's become far more human in nature than most demons are(or would ever aspire to be), almost without his noticing; part of this is from having to stifle his more obviously inhuman patterns of behavior for so long, and part of it is simply from having spent a great deal of time associating with other humans over the years...though, given the society he keeps, most of it hasn't exactly been pleasant interaction, which is why his personality still isn't what anyone would call pleasant. As it stands, Lyn would much more easily identify with a human than another demon these days, and he can easily pass as a teenager of unfortunate circumstances. He has no personal stake in the politics of any of the species or his world(indeed, he hasn't even encountered any of the species beyond humans and demons personally, though he distrusts them all), and doesn't have the strength or station necessary to have even the slightest influence on current events if he wanted to. All that really matters to him is his day-to-day life, and his city; as very few humans have played any large role in his life, he's actually developed more of an attachment to the city he lives in than anyone he's ever known. He knows almost every square inch of her like the back of his hand by now - where to hide, where to stash his things, where to get free food any day of the week, any new developments going up or old ones being torn down - and as far as he's concerned, it's his city; he's lived there longer than any human alive in it. It's been decades since he's had any desire to leave it.

Personality: Lewellyn has spent almost all of his two hundred-plus years among humans, and most of that amongst the least favorable elements of society, and it shows. (The fact that a small, weak demon like him was largely relegated to the fringes of demonic society as well didn't help, as it meant he played roughly the same role no matter where he was.) He is suspicious, cynical, selfish, surly, and uncouth, acting far more like his human body's age than like a demon with several centuries behind him. His wariness shows itself blatantly in his body language; he's already rather short and thin even by human standards, and he tends to crouch or bend forward slightly in preparation to bolt from any threat which may present itself, which makes him appear even smaller than that. This usually has the side effect of making him seem furtive or even afraid, although he'll angrily deny that he's afraid of anything if asked.

Lewellyn is absolutely convinced that looking out for himself is something no one else will ever see to, and so he makes sure he gets his above all else - and if getting his means taking other people's, then too bad for them. (He probably needs it more than they do anyway.) This tends to translate into his appropriating (read: stealing) anything easily concealable that's around him not nailed down, with no regard to who it belongs to; indeed, stealing has been such a necessity for him for so long that it's become a habit, or perhaps even a compulsion. It's gotten to the point where he takes things automatically if he sees an opportunity, regardless of need, desire, or even his entirely conscious awareness - he may wind up with a pocketful of penny candy from a bowl, or an entire sheaf of 5¢ pens, or a paper clip necklace, just because they were there. (Interesting to note is that, if confronted about stealing something of someone's, he'll give it back quite readily - largely to avoid an angry confrontation. Mind you, he'll just try to steal it again if you give him a chance.) He also tends to have a hoarder's mentality; even if he doesn't have a use for it now, he may later, so he's likely to keep even the useless things he 'collects' unless he has some specific reason not to.

Lewellyn isn't exactly a sociable animal, but he doesn't actually object to the company of others; he's simply so suspicious of their motives (and so acutely aware of the fact that he's ill-equipped to take on any serious threat) that it's hard to have positive interaction with him. He'll associate with people, and may not even be particularly hostile about it, but he doesn't really trust anyone - especially other demons. And the truth is that most of his willingness to be around others is directly tied into his belief that he's fast enough to reach the nearest door or window before they can stop him if they decide to come after him. It borders on paranoia, although in the past it's been largely justified by the life he's led.

What Lewellyn has always lacked in size and strength he tends to make up for in animal cunning, if not intelligence(and, if pressed, in the kind of ferocious scrappy fighting of a rat in a corner, where desperation and pure anger take the place of skill and ability). He's not exactly well-educated - certainly he never makes any particular effort to learn anything - but he's smart enough to pick up on things quickly, particularly if he sees some logical reason for acquiring some knowledge or skill. When it comes to, say, picking locks or evading pursuit - talents that are useful for helping him get what he wants and keeping him out of trouble, not to mention talents that many of the humans he's associated with over the years possessed - his practical knowledge is almost encyclopaedic in scope. Also, due to his compulsive 'collecting', he usually has any number of things on him that may come in handy. They may be your things, if you haven't been paying proper attention.

Lewellyn has learned a lot of things over the course of his life, but sadly, the ability to shut his goddamn mouth isn't one of those things. If anything, he's learned that bragging and trash talk are a way to establish credibility even without the strength to necessarily back it all up. He's fiercely vocal about his capabilities purely as a defensive measure, like a cat fluffing itself up to appear larger, and may actually go out of his way to antagonize and harass others stronger than him just to prove that he's not afraid to. (Mind you, he tries not to go overboard with this and actually incite their wrath...but if he does, then he just bolts.) He tends to be sarcastic and dismissive in regards to others - yet again, to make himself look better by comparison - and is something of a misogynist to women, less because he doesn't like them than because they often belittle him. (Sometimes literally - he's shorter than a number of women and it never makes him happy when someone points this out.) If you insult Lyn in any way - his height, his age, his strength, his hair color - expect to get both barrels full of furious indignance, even if he was mocking you first.

Although he's a demon, Lewellyn has been sufficiently humanized by association over the years that he's not particularly characteristic of a demon anymore. He doesn't necessarily view humans as inherently inferior to him; he's capable of a broader and considerably milder emotional range than most demons(though, granted, you'd have to earn his trust or respect - no easy task - before he'll start treating you well); and he understands human language and society on an intimate level from first-hand exposure. By most standards, both human and demon, he is human now - just with some unusual skills attached and a long lifespan.

Lewellyn has, in recent decades, become quite fond of technology - particularly as it becomes smaller and more portable(and thus, more available and convenient for him to steal). He's stolen handheld game systems, mp3 players - he's actually become very fond of music, and he's not particularly picky about what he listens to since he tends to be stuck with whatever music is on the mp3 players he grabs - and laptops without any great difficulty. He's no hacker by any means, but he's still fairly well up on current technology, as well as computer use(and through that, internet use). Needless to say, the internet has done little to improve his social skills; if anything, it's only put the final polish on his troll-like behavior. At times he's actually pawned things he's stolen to buy his own tech, though obviously he prefers to use what he can get for free when he can get it.

Abilities: Lewellyn's abilities as a demon have deteriorated over time due to disuse; he only has two still in optimal working condition from frequent use. He has limited telekinetic powers; specifically, he can pull any item around him (of not completely unwieldly size - think breadbox or smaller) directly to his hands, from roughly a room's length away. As you can imagine, this makes stealing things remarkably easy for him. Further, he's very fast; while this occasionally translates into hand movements, mostly it comes into play for running away from threats he's not powerful enough to face directly. (He's also quite nimble, bordering on acrobatic, but no more so than a human who invested in those skills would be, so it's not really a supernatural ability.) His eyes occasionally take on inhuman properties when he's well and truly angry, which is really the last remnants of his ability to transform - they may glow an orange-red color or, in extreme cases, turn completely black. (Honestly, I wouldn't have included this addition at all, but since my chosen PB happens to have icons depicting demonic eye changes, I figured I might as well make use of them.)

He has a few demonic powers that he's gone so long without using that he's hardly able to use them at all anymore; if he ever gets these back in Mayfield, he'd actually have to retrain himself in their use before he'd be able to utilize them. Note that his demon form is only slightly taller than his human one and not all that dissimilar-looking, save for grey skin, horns, claws, and a tail; I have my doubts he'll ever use it in-game even if he regains it, so I'm not going to bother to describe it in great detail. (Truth be told, I'm happy playing him more human than not, so I don't care if he ever gets any of these back, but they are abilities even a weak demon would have access to so they're worth noting.)

- Pyrokinesis
- Transformation (both into his demonic form and into animal forms - two separate regains)
- Teleportation

Sample Entry 1: A link to an OC game I apped Lyn into, where he was also a demon: Here!

Sample Entry 2: [Lyn is in no way pleased by his new job of paper boy. On his personal list of priorities, doing what the jackasses running Mayfield tell him to do after they yanked him out of his city and into this miserable little town is sitting just below 'have sex with a toaster while it's plugged in'. Which is to say, yes, pretty low. But he's been warned about what will happen if he doesn't, and getting droned is right at the bottom of the list.

However, all he heard was that he has to do his job. No one said he had to do it well.

Therefore, he's currently taking out his aggression in the form of ballistic newspapers. Mailboxes and doorsteps are for pussies. If you're facing away from the street(and don't look like a fast runner), you may get nailed in the small of your back. Lawn gnomes? Fuck lawn gnomes; Lyn's route currently looks like the aftermath of a midget genocide. Does your house have big windows? 100 points! If you call him 'boy' - and he's looking at you, drones - right in the face.

Actually, this unorthodox approach kind of has Lyn enjoying himself after all.] Yo, incoming!

[ least, he enjoys it for the first few minutes. Then he almost runs into an oversized walking mouse, one of his window shots accidentally hits a thief, and he has to swerve sharply to avoid Susan - who gives him a Death Glare so potent and literal that he actually double-checks for the cloak and scythe.] What the fuck is with this town?

[No, I couldn't resist a Paperboy reference.]
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