-- Name: Kristin Leigh Given Smith
-- Birth date: December 27, 1975
-- Nickname: Krissy, Kris, Gibbish, Gibbs, Angry Lush, Premantis, Girl, Girlscout
-- Current Location: work. where else do I post from?
-- Eye Color: varying colors of green. I'd say hazel, but they're never brown.
-- Hair Color: blonde
-- Height: 5'7"+
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
-- The shoes you wore today: big black boots that are in serious need of replacement. but I love them soooo much.
-- Your weakness: Fuck you.
-- Your fears: losing (or pushing away) the people I love, giving up on my dreams
-- Your perfect pizza: mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic, feta
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: right now? getting my goddamned PhD in May
-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: "word" or "dood"
-- Your thoughts first wake up: "That was a dream? FUCK."
-- Your best physical feature: everybody says eyes. so even though I believe that, I'll be different and say that my boobs are pretty nice. heh.
-- Your bedtime: between 10:30 and 11:30 pm
-- Most missed memory: there are people I loved whose faces I now can't remember. when I think of them I think of PHOTOS of them. it breaks my heart.
-- Pepsi or Coke: Coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
-- Adidas or Nike: Adidas
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: like ... the bottled/can kinds? ew, neither. it's all about the heavily sweetened sun tea.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino when I have the cash. but regular coffee works just fine.
-- Smoke: yes. I don't want to hear it.
-- Cuss: um ... yeah.
-- Sing: constantly
-- Take a shower everyday: generally speaking, yes
-- Have a crush(es): no
-- Do you think you've been in love: yes
-- Want to go to college: I want to LEAVE college. or teach at one.
-- Like(d) high school: eh. it was alright.
-- Want to get married: been there, done that
-- Believe in yourself: absolutely
-- Get motion sickness: sometimes, but never extreme
-- Think you're attractive: yeah, I'm pretty narcissistic
-- Think you're a health freak: not even a little bit
-- Get along with your parents: very well
-- Play an instrument: one day I WILL learn how to play my guitar
In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: yes
-- Smoked: yes
-- Done a drug: caffeine?
-- Had Sex: yes
-- Made Out: making out only happens in new relationships or with strangers, so ... no
-- Gone on a date: yes
-- Gone to the mall?: um ... I'm sure I have
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreo?: no
-- Eaten sushi: ew, no.
-- Been on stage: no
-- Been dumped: by a friend, yes
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies: no
-- Gone skinny dipping: no
-- Dyed your hair: no .. but I paid someone else to do it
-- Stolen anything: your heart?
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: no
-- If so, was it mixed company: n/a
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: uh ... yes
-- Been caught "doing something": *almost* doesn't count
-- Been called a tease: not to my face
-- Gotten beaten up: ohHELLno
-- Shoplifted: no
-- Changed who you were to fit in: NO
-- Age you hope to be married: n/a
-- Numbers and Names of Children: if I have any children, it will probably only be one and he/she WILL have a Celtic name
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: if I were to do it again ... on a beach at sunset
-- How do you want to die: um ... not at all? I have too much to do.
-- Where you want to go to college: again ... been there, done that. if I had a time machine? Julliard or Berklee.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: happy
-- What country would you most like to visit: Ireland
-- Best eye color? sparkly blue
-- Best hair color? dark
-- Short or long hair: short
-- Height: taller than me
-- Best weight: heavier than me
-- Best articles of clothing: "nice-ass" jeans
-- Best first date location: what is this "first date" thing of which you speak?
-- Best first kiss location: not that I've experience this, but in a city at twilight in the rain, under an awning, out of breath from laughing and running for cover [/vivid imagination]
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 5
-- Number of CDs that I own: I can't be bothered to count.
-- Number of piercings: one in each ear
-- Number of tattoos: one
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: if I haven't counted my CDs, you can be sure that I don't know THIS answer either. quite a few, I'd imagine.
-- Number of cars your family owns: um ... two at my house, one at my mom's house, two at my soon-to-be step-father's house, so ... 5?