Equilibrium is becoming my favorite movie, possibly overtaking Batman Forever as my all-time-best-visuals-in-a-cheesy-cinematic-performance category.
The uniquely devised Gun-Kata (especially as performed by Mr. Bale wearing the white Grammaton Preist Suit of Doom) is hot like a hot thing. It's almost as if they said:
"hey, let's make a movie just for Kristin. Setting: bleak Teutonic communist world devoid of emotion ruled by an elite force of "priests" highly trained in a hybrid of martial arts using guns. These Cleric wear sleek black tailored uniforms suits that include a long black coat that resembles a dress a'la Pinhead, throw in a stark white version for the really special fight sequences, and they always wear gloves. We know she has that hand-kink thing going, especially with gloves, so yeah. Gloves.
Use that Christian Bale fellow. We read her spec sheet and she likes them dark and lethal, especially when they're two moves away from taking a sharpened pencil to your jugular.
He has that cute speech impediment thing going for him, too. Tugs on her softness for a vulnerability.
So anyway, this Cleric "Preston" starts out all deep-dark-void-for-a-soul-like and then experiences emotions for the first time. He cries a lot. She likes that. So he goes all take-over-the-world 'n shit, killing whole armies of heavily armed foes. And he adopts a puppy.