The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
psionicentity spend too much time on LiveJournal?Um... not really since he hardly ever posts!Is
izu_chan hiding under your bed right now?No she is in it ^_-What happened the last time you and
liyang were hanging out together?He slept round my house and we watched gay men anime ^_^ XDCould you take
eroshikj in a fight?No :cry:Would you sooner donate a kidney to
ultimaj or
fuuringo?Um.... can't decide! They can both have one!Of
kaokun and
uvrays, who would call shotgun first?Um... what? Can I shoot uvrays?! Wooooooo~ BANGIs
kei_o an innie or an outie?XD Ask Yihlyn!!!What is the most embarrassing thing you know about
charliepanayi?Errrrr.... I don't know anything embarassing about him!What is
zoologydragon's favorite movie?..... DunnoDid
greenopal leave the stove on again?XD Wouldn't surprise me!
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
Do you feel enlightened now?