.txt файл двухлетней давности
"I had a dream that i called you and we talked.you wanted to celebrate Epiphany with me,
i don't mind this religeous stuff, just want you to enjoy your time
I had a dream we were eating donuts and latte with cinnamon
I had a dream we went to England, Leeds and Bath, accidentally ended up in SHanghai and got lost,
not surprising, its a dream after all
I found your walkman, there were Boney M and Kraftwerk, how cute is that. i think it's cute
I am ok. Actually great, except these dreams that keep me awake right now, 4am, they are so real.
Our cat got even fatter, you know. And they got that new statue in our town, you would like that.
I think you would like me the way i am now, i wish we could just talk, like "whats new?" and stuff
Do you have any idea how much i miss you"