"Your best male friend will always love you, admire you and will feel that way forever. Boyfriends come and go, but he's always stuck around. He's your shoulder to cry on, and a hug when you need it. You enjoy yourself with him, and you're never in an awkward situation. This is a different kind of love, a special kind. Cherish him forever, he’s changed your life.”
I miss the time when we used to all be one big group of friends. The time when "homework" meant studying your 10 spelling words for your weekly Friday spelling test. I miss bringing art projects home and having them put on the fridge. I miss Spongebob. I miss flashlight tag and birthday parties at inter-skate, chucky cheese, and adventure land. I miss the time when everyone had a "best friend" but then you had about 90 more. When you could be best friends with a boy and nobody cared. When it didn't matter if you went out on the weekend, because mommy and daddy were your heroes. I miss the time when you didn't have to worry about your friend being your friend in a week from now. The time when nobody cared how much you weigh, what color your hair is, or what your wearing. Or when boys weren't an issue. Nobody lied because there wasn't a reason too. You couldn't wait to go to school to see your friends. I miss three a day recesses. I miss my "cubby." And most of all, I miss all the people that I used to be friends with that I never talk to anymore.