I've read the FAQ about the treatment I want to have, and I think I fit the criteria for treatment. I meet with my neurologist this afternoon to see what he thinks. And even if he does agree, he needs to send in a packet, and I need to get chosen. And it's not free for me, but I may have a friend who can help.
Aug 01, 2016 11:06
I asked Helen, Chaz's good friend who happens to be an NHS doctor, to check with a teaching hospital in the UK that has tested
using a leukemia treatment to cure MS. Would they treat an American, outside of a study? It turns out that yes, they would, if I pass their preliminary tests
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Jul 21, 2016 12:22
Set in the European country of Alpennia (somewhere near Ruritania, or so I've heard), this novel is set a couple of years after
Daughter of Mystery. Margerit and Barbara still appear as point-of-view characters, but Antuniet and Jeanne, secondary but important characters from the first book, are center stage
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Jul 09, 2016 11:21
On Thursday I found myself in a tall building in San Francisco when an announcement came over the loudspeakers: everyone please go down four floors. Yes, I had my walker. Fortunately the stairs were wide, but there were two flights for every floor. People offered to carry my walker for me, but I steadfastly hung onto it. Until I got down four
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Jul 08, 2016 19:12
Yesterday I walked down seven floors (14 flights) of stairs, and Apple Watch didn't count any of them on its "flights" report. (I was in SF and the HVAC system began releasing some nasty smelling gas, so everyone in the building was told to go down below a certain level and wait. Since they didn't know if/how the elevators were affected, we had to
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Jun 05, 2016 12:04
A few years ago, around the time we got married, I googled "Mac and Barry". I wasn't surprised to get a page of links to Chaz's LJ, because the boys were a frequent topic. When I tried that search again today the top result was to a photo on Chaz's Flickr page, but nothing else about the boys. I like MAC brand makeup and the ease of posting photos
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