H-Hello there Akutsu-san... I hope you're doing fine...
[ooc: I LOVE YOUR AKUTSU!! Regarding the rating..hhmm.. I dunno... it's up to you I guess... Welcome to pot_lj!! I'm sorry my greetings are too late XD I'm so glad to see lots of new people here! *hugs*]
(ooc:I love your akutsu~ feel free!! though if you feel it's way too overboard just add a strike-through or have it in an lj-cut lol, but that won't change anything ne?)
Comments 15
Akutus-sempai >.> You gotta stop doing that desu!! D: You haven't stopped smoking yet desu?!
Congrats on your test desu!! :D
Obviously, no.
... thanks.
DD: stop it desu!!
You're welcome desu!!! ^__^
When you stop saying desu all the time.
[ooc: I LOVE YOUR AKUTSU!! Regarding the rating..hhmm.. I dunno... it's up to you I guess... Welcome to pot_lj!! I'm sorry my greetings are too late XD I'm so glad to see lots of new people here! *hugs*]
I'm doing great! ^^
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