
May 27, 2005 17:21

This past week had not been a very good week...don't really want to talk about it! anyways prom is tomorrow @7pm-12am....ill maybe post pictures later, i dont know which i should take digital camera or regular camera? maybe digital...anyways this week has been a bit crazy! 3 day weekend! yay for no school...less than a month to graduate from high ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

ditzyandrea May 28 2005, 02:48:01 UTC
<333333 WANG LEE HOM & JAY CHOU <3333333


kmwong26 May 28 2005, 04:22:10 UTC
yup...i want leehom to have a concert in LA, Jay is going to have one next year!


ditzyandrea May 28 2005, 06:54:47 UTC
ommmmmmmg i want leehom to have a concert in LA too. holy crap, i would so go. did you go to jay's incomparable concert back in december? my friends went :( i was so jealous. I WANT TO GO TO HIS NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!


kmwong26 May 29 2005, 18:03:59 UTC
i know! ya i went, it was the best concert i have ever been too! y didn't u go?


snowrose7 May 28 2005, 07:23:04 UTC
leehom is cute!


kmwong26 May 29 2005, 18:02:55 UTC
yup..indeed he is! what about jay? haha...


supaloopa August 4 2005, 18:55:38 UTC
Hey I saw you in the my_sassy_girl communty.
Would you like to consider joining my jeonjihyun community? =D


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