One advantage of working from home is that I can be in to collect Hello Fresh orders, and here I've used a bag from the last box. The shading isn't as smooth as I wanted it, but I think the picture accommodates the large rip rather well.
I run an open-mike for writers called Hotchpotch, and it returns tonight. Readers are given seven minutes each, timed with a traffic light system. Here is our device, albeit with some wonky dimensions.
Tonight, my pal Shanine Salmon appeared on the quiz show Mastermind. This is a sketch of her, posted with permission, having answered five questions correctly on the subject of gin.
I haven't weighed my project today, but it must be up to about ten of the required 22 ounces by now. The large cardboard box in the picture doesn't count, but it will be used in a new artwork.