Well, while I think there's some people like that, I also like it because for me, I can get something off my mind without clogging up LJ like I used to.
I also have a bunch of news sites on there, so I get news quickly without having to visit a bunch of different web sites.
It's not that i don't want to hear about them, it's that i don't want to hear that their shoelace has been untied all day, or that they're soooooo hungry, or that they sneezed so hard just now
twitter makes me feel old and out of the loop. i still don't have a facebook, even.
and... and i think i'm okay with that. i think i'm more than okay with it, actually. because, i just don't care enough. i'm not against flooding the world with pointless banality, i'm just lucky if i update my livejournal about my substanceless existence. now if you'll excuse me, i have to go write some posts about shit i saw on tv.
that was hilarious! i know so many people who twitter and also post it in the lj's and i just dont see the point in it if youre just going to say things like youre hungry, sleepy, you so totally agree with something someone else posted that the rest of us can't read, etc.
Comments 12
I also have a bunch of news sites on there, so I get news quickly without having to visit a bunch of different web sites.
Really, it's what you make of it.
But ya know, there are better reasons to Twitter. If someone's on your list that you don't want to hear about, remove them son. EASYYYY.
and... and i think i'm okay with that. i think i'm more than okay with it, actually. because, i just don't care enough. i'm not against flooding the world with pointless banality, i'm just lucky if i update my livejournal about my substanceless existence. now if you'll excuse me, i have to go write some posts about shit i saw on tv.
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