Oct 20, 2006 06:02
Not really anything I have stolen from some other website or user.. just kinda wondering
Leave a message with what "gets you out of bed in the morning" and what direction you are going in life. Why are you still alive ?
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Comments 5
The fact that waking up at 4am to physically punish myself alongside 18 other women really has improved my discipline and overall mental/physical health despite the misery and additional stress. Plus if I choose not to go to rowing practice I will cause at least 8 other ladies who did show up to not get to practice, and they really won't like that. We are a truly interdependent team.
and what direction you are going in life. Why are you still alive ?
I am trying to live up to the potential I know I have and find a place in life and society that I can be proud of. I am still alive beacuse I keep breathing and metabolizing food at a rate that allows me to sustain my body, and no external or internal force has interrupted that.
Honestly, I am too busy trying to make it so we all survive to even consider the why of it too much. The pyramid of needs is accurate.
Direction is not apparent right now. I am in station keeping mode right now. I have no idea where I am going or why I would be going anyplace right now.
I am alive for the same reason that I get out of bed. Responsibility.
*looks over at Matthew, JA, Cartwright, Bryin, Amber, Joy, and Bear....and smiles* Them.
What direction are you going in life:
That's a damned good question...right now, I'm just looking for stability and to build from there.
Why are you still alive:
Because I ain't dead yet. *smile* One of my favorite quotes: "If, at the end of this life, I am still standing...it is not so much that I have won, but that Life got tired of knocking me down."
I have debts I need to pay. I actually rather like my job, or at least the people I work with. I'm not sure why I like the job itself, but I do, mirabile dictu.
If I had no debts to pay, I still have short-term goals I would want to save up cash for. Plane tickets. Pretties.
If I had all the money I wanted, I'd get up so I could go and learn new things every day. I'd take class after class. That, or I'd actually actively pursue my writing (which yes, I know, I know, I should be doing ANYWAY, I'm going to try to do the NaNoWriMo this year and finish up/submit a mod to Bioware before that).
I'm still alive because I like it, because there's no reason to rationally believe the alternative is better. I have faith in God and in the afterlife and all that, but I'm not going to test that theory.
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