Oct 25, 2002 21:49

Just what does everyone think they're doing, getting so bloody excited about the BALL? Don't you remember what happened at the last one?! TOLD YOU IT WAS GOING TO BE A NIGHTMARE!!! Have you already forgotten?!!! Balls are trouble, I don't know why Dumbledore hasn't learned it yet! Brilliant man though, he is. You don't see ME getting all excited about it, do you! Another nightmare, I'm telling you! Bloody hell, has the whole school gone mental??

At least the soddingest sod of sods will be gone for a few days, haha! Maybe someone'll wise up and put some wards on the castle to keep the ferrets out for good! It'll be about sodding time! Can't wait to see what he goes to the ball as, a wolf I'll bet!! One with rabies, too, haha!

I already picked my costume out, and there's no way MY SODDING BROTHERS are making ME drink any punch, either! And no one's tampering with it either! And why is SNAPE announcing the ball?? I guess it's fitting, no one has more year round Hallowe'en spirit than him! What's he going to dress up as, a bat?

Me and Gin and Harry played Scrabble last week, and Gin won, of course. I think she's been playing too much with Percy! ;) Harry has a nice theme going on for awhile there, but he was kind of out of it as usual. Bloody hell, I hope Hermione never plays with Percy, the board would probably explode! Plus Percy cheats and makes up words!! But you don't see me telling Mum, do you? But what did he do last week? HE TATTLED ON ME! TO MUM!

AND SPEAKING OF MY MOTHER, WHY IS LUCIUS MALFOY MEETING WITH HER?!?! WHAT THE SOD IS GOING ON?! ARE THEY JUST GOING TO SIT DOWN OVER A CUP OF TEA AND DISCUSS ME AND MALFOY?! UGH!! I CAN'T BELIEVE DAD'S LETTING HER GO! I mean, not that men should have a say in what their wives do or anything, but IT'S LUCIUS MALFOY!!! Now I have to worry that my mum is going to be hexed on top of everything else! HE'D BETTER NOT BE GOING TO OUR HOUSE!!! I don't feel like having to move in case there's new Dark enchantments on our house! UN-BLOODY-BELIEVABLE! That rat has to go crying to his daddy for everything, doesn't he?! He can't even take a little insult, never mind how many times he insults US, but you don't see ME getting MY dad to go have a conference with HIS parents! EVERYONE'S GONE MENTAL!!!
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