Sasame's Survey of Doom! Because I love tagging along with what Ahiru's mun is doing.

Mar 01, 2010 03:48

Body and Appearance
1. Describe the character's height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy?
Tall for a Japanese guy, but maybe about average for what we'd consider in America. Sooo...say about 5'9" or so? His build is thin, but muscular, particularly in his arms since it seems a lot of battling in Pretear is focused on either sword-fighting, or...waving your arms around and letting elemental magic do the work. Of course, he wears such baggy clothing that you probably wouldn't expect how athletic he actually is, so he comes across as looking scrawny. Unless you get him in bed.

2. How old is he?
Back home he physically looks about 16 [EDIT: actually, probably more like 18-20], but since he looked the same age when Takako turned 16 years ago he's at least 32. I normally assume he's around 40 in my head.

3. Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well or does he slouch?
He carries himself with an easy confidence. He stands straight, but not rigid, and often will have at least one hand in his pocket when in a comfortable setting. When he's sitting he'll sometimes slouch, particularly if he's sitting across from someone--he seems to enjoy breaking into people's personal bubble for whatever reason, so he has a habit of leaning in pretty close. Particularly if it's a girl he's comfortable (read: flirty) with.

4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
He's healthy and athletic. As a kid he had some trouble controlling his powers and often suffered from earaches and flu-like symptoms when his powers overwhelmed him, but he's long since learned to control it. (Plus, obviously on Atia that wouldn't be an issue.)

5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid?
Relaxed, as long as he's not in a combat situation. He walks with long, easy strides, normally matching the pace of the person near him if he's walking with someone else. There's some grace in his movements, but it's understated--he seems like an average (but attractive) guy at first glance. It's in combat that it's clear how fluid he actually is--he moves fast, quick and graceful, which tends to only be emphasized by his flowy choice of fashion.

6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror?
Sasame is very, very pretty. And he KNOWS it. He's not vain to the point that he spends hours on his appearance, but he's very aware that many girls find him attractive (how couldn't he, considering how much attention they seem to give him as a teen idol?), and he uses his looks to his advantage. Normally not in a sneaky, manipulative way, but as a way to put girls at ease around him--'oh look, here's this hot guy that is right now only paying attention to YOU! you should feel special!" I think the only time he's ever been surprised when someone commented on his appearance was Klavier, and it's more that he's not at all used to another man being so blunt in complimenting his appearance.
There's probably a bit of conceit in there, though. Juuust a tad.

7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred?
Paaaale, pale, pale. He practically glows. Goodness knows why he's so pale when he seems to spend a lot of time outside, but he is. Maybe it takes longer to record that show of his than you'd think. His skin is mostly clear and smooth, but he keeps enough of his body covered up most of the time that I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't a light amount of scaring he's taken on through battles. I like to think that he has large, obvious scaring on his chest after the ending, but Sasame isn't that far along in the timeline yet.

8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style.
White as snow, much like his skin. I think he has a lot of hair, so it grows thickly, but the strands themselves are rather thin and light. This is me trying to make sense out of anime hairstyles, hurr His style is a bit shaggy and almost looks like he's taken a lot of time out of his day...making it look like he just rolled out of bed. Actually, I think it probably is that he just doesn't bother to style it much BECAUSE HE LOOKS FAAABULOUS ANYWAY! ~*~*~sparkle~*~*~

9. What color are his eyes?
Violet-gray. I know they look blue in a lot of his icons, but it's the coloring--they're really quite purple, but gray-ish.
Yeah, I know they're Mary Sue-ish colors, I think it's on purpose.

10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features?
He wears a silver cuff on his ears that seems to have some sort of runes on it at all times. All the knights have a band with those markings on them somewhere on their person, so it's obviously some sort of mark of them as a knight.
He wears glasses--oval-shaped ones with thin, purple-colored frames--but doesn't seem to actually need them, since he quickly takes them off in battle. (The manga suggests he started wearing it in an attempt to disguise himself around fangirls which doesn't work at all. The anime shows no sign of this, but I wouldn't be surprised if he started wearing them for a similar reason--perhaps trying to tone down his teen-idol look and appear a little more "guy-next-door". It works, sort of, except it also broadens his horizons to attract megane-fans like myself.)
He seems to be associated with white and purple in canon and only ever wears those colors, I'm assuming most of his Atia wardrobe is the same, although maybe with a tad more variety.
He wears two necklaces--a choker-style one that's a simple leather band decorated with beads, and a longer one with a black chord that holds a cross pendant. In Atia the choker-style necklace is his collar, although I think he probably can't take off the cross necklace, too. (It looks like they MIGHT be connected, but I can't tell for sure.) He's lucky, in a way, Goh has a big METAL BAND around his neck in canon.

11. What are his chief tension centers?
Does anyone ever understand this question?

12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he have six of the same suit?
...LOL I've mentioned this already, right? Well, like I sorta said above, he dresses in a casual, baggy style that's nonetheless stylish and has more thought put into it than it looks. He mostly wears white and purple, but occasionally he'll incorporate brown or blue into it. Since I can't stand to think of him wearing the same thing all the time, he does have SOME variety in his closet,'s mostly variations on his outfit in canon. Why fix what ain't broken, right?
The very few times he has his powers back, he can switch into some sort of knight-mode that allows him to wear robes. These clothes cover even more skin that his normal outfit does (sorry ladies)--a baggy tunic tied with a belt over white pants, boots(?), and a big white cape-robe thing that when he's standing still pretty much envelopes his whole body. How does he manage to fight in something like that? Beats me, but he does. Like I mentioned above, his choice in clothing, PARTICULARLY his knight robes, emphasize his movement quite a bit when he's attacking.

13. Do his clothes fit well? Does he seem comfortable in them?
My god I keep saying this, but THEY'RE BAGGY. Not enough to actually make him look like a fool with his PANTS ON THE GROUND fall off him or anything, but enough that they seem to hide how athletic he actually is. He does seem comfortable in them, though. Actually, there's a good chance he dresses the way he does because that's what IS comfortable to him.

14. Does he dress the same on the job as he does in his free time? If not, what are the differences?
.......*sob* SEE ABOVE. Knight robes on the job! As for his radio show, no, he wears the same 'ol casually stylish stuff he does everywhere else.

15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando?, see, I've just realized that I know nothing about men's underwear. Do men have to worry about panty lines? He IS wearing white slacks all the time. You'd think that'd lead to issues. But maybe it would lead to issues going commando, too. HMM. A CONUNDRUM!
Actually, as much as I'd like to say "commando", I'm pretty sure I've mentioned him having boxers in a smut log AND...I really, literally have no idea if that would end up showing..anything, so I'm going to assume boxers (because--say it with me, folks--THEY'RE BAGGY YET STYLISH). White boxers. Don't want the world to see your purple boxers when you're running around in your white slacks.

1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse?
Like God himself descended from heaven and mixed together Takahiro Sakurai and Chris Patton's voice to give to humanity the gift of a voice whose tonal qualities sound like sex. Soothing, therapeutic sex.

Oh, and he sounds like Fakir. (Or, rather, Fakir sounds like a pale imitation made by the devil himself, which does not sound like sex, but rather that teacher in sixth grade that corrected you on EVERYTHING and drove you up the wall.)

It's 3am, can you tell?

2. How does he normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he talk easily, or does he hesitate?
Like soothing, therapeutic-- Canonically, he has a voice that's "soothing and really draws you in." Which...I guess fits better above, but what I mean is, he tends to speak evenly and clearly, with very few pauses unless he's being very careful in how he words something. He speaks somewhat softly, but loudly enough that everyone he wants to hear can hear. Since he's the Knight of Sound, he has a VERY easy time manipulating his voice for the effect he wants. It's actually my personal theory that one minor ability of his is that he can very easily manipulate people if he wants to (as he does with Mawata). Generally his tone is light and cheerful, with two major exceptions--when flirting, he tends to talk a little lower and smoother. He's perfected the sexy voice when he wants it. Also, when he's talking about his own thoughts and feelings, he's much more hesitant--he's uncomfortable with being open with his own emotions, so his typically eloquent speech tends to be a little more halting and hesitant.

3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics?
I don't think so; he mostly speaks clearly without a distinct accent. Partially because of his job, and partially because he can easily tweak his voice to avoid anything that'd sound off. I'm trying to think of any real verbal tics, and I don't think he has any (unless they're tics of my writing that I forget to eliminate, which happens sometimes).

4. What language/s does he speak, and with how much fluency?
Back home, Japanese and some English (not fluently, but maybe enough that he could carry on a simple conversation). I think that if he wanted to, he could probably use his powers to learn a new language fairly easily, but he's never had a real reason to since, conveniently, demon larvae seem to hover mostly around Awayuki Town and leave the rest of the world alone even if they're supposedly a wordly threat. Hmmmm...

5. Does he switch languages or dialects in certain situations?
Nope! Except I can see him maybe switching to Japanese sometimes if someone from his world was in Amat and he wanted to communicate somewhat privately with them. I guess this would count for other Japanese characters, too, but I can't think of anyone in particular he'd feel the need to do this with.

6. Is he a good impromptu speaker, or does he have to think about his words?
He thinks about them, but he's normally fast enough on his toes that you don't really notice. Although there's some times with tough things that he has to pause and gather his thoughts before speaking. (Although, notably, I think he tends to mull over his own words when people don't realize it--notice he has an ENTIRE SPEECH laid out for Takako when he finally finds her again. He's been practicing that for a long time.)

7. Is he eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change?
Nearly always eloquent, except when he's stuck having to express his own feelings and he's uncomfortable with it, as I mentioned above. (But sometimes even then, his feelings will come bursting out in a tide of emotional, eloquent speeches. Again, Takako, and also most of his rage against Himeno for never paying attention to his own Mawata's troubles.)

Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this character? Is he book-smart or street-smart?
In terms of natural potential, he's very intelligent. In terms of education....he's had a lot of time to learn things, but I don't think he went to a normal school (his education as a child probably mostly focused on what he'd need as a knight, and perhaps to blend in with others on Earth), so I'm not sure if I'd say he's well-educated. He probably has slightly more knowledge than a young Japanese man. He's very good at picking up signals from other people (although he projects onto them at times, which muddles that ability). And he's lived long enough that he probably isn't naive--he has a fair amount of "street smarts".

2. Does he think on his feet, or does he need time to deliberate?
He prefers thinking out his next moves, but he can make a decision quickly if the situation calls for it.

3. Describe the character's thought process. Is he more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical?
Although he tends to sit and think about things, he has a hard time fighting against his own impulses and emotions. They're normally what really drives him, with a lot of his energy spent trying to explain why he shouldn't feel the way he does. ("This is my fate", etc) He tries to be practical, but end the end, he's idealistic. He has a romantic idea of emotions and impulses befitting a shoujo series. This tends to make him clash with Kei, since Kei's much more concerned with logic and practicality, and Hayate, who generally has a much less obvious struggle with his own emotions and impulses.

4. What kind of education has the character had?
Oh man, why do I keep preemptively answering this stuff? Mostly he was taught by his older "brothers" in how to be a Leafe Knight. That was the important part, so some of the stuff that a typical education would cover, history or something, was glossed over. He's filled some of that in himself through reading and such, but I can still see there being some holes in his knowledge if you really look for it.

5. What are his areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he interested in learning more about?
Pretty much anything to do with sound--speaking, music, language, etc. He's also a trained swordfighter and has apparently had to go through some sort of training for his radio show--I tend to assume he's gone through the sort of studies a councilor might go through. (But not a psychologist, he doesn't have a PHD or anything.) Now that he's living alone he sorta wants to learn how to cook. Sort of. Part of him is content with ordering take-out and inviting himself over to houses of friends that CAN cook.

6. Is he an introvert or an extrovert?
Hmmmm. Good question, actually. I think he's extroverted to a certain extent, but has become more introverted because of his self-enforced beliefs that he can't express his feelings to others. Sooo sometimes he has to duck off by himself because the strain of pretending everything's fine is too much for him.

7. Describe the character's temperament. Is he even-tempered or does he have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven?
Outwardly, he's cheerful, flirty and teasing. A little laidback, but driven when something needs to be done. Inwardly he's more depressed than he seems, and tends to bury any negative emotions under his mask of constant cheerfulness--this tends to build up, and although he has a long fuse, he'll sometimes become overwhelmed and suddenly be outwardly snappish, moody or morose.

8. How does he respond to new people or situations? Is he suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic?
He loves meeting new people, and is often outgoing and welcoming. Although sometimes his cheerful attitude is an act, his desire to help people is always genuine, even if they're relatively strangers. He's a little less open to change, particularly if he's already carrying a lot of inward stress, but he usually works through it. Usually.

9. Is he more likely to act, or to react?
React, as long as there's someone that's more of a leader-type than he is around. In the series I think he spends most of the time fighting against what Hayate and Kei want to do than making any of his own plans. Even when he decides to switch over to Takako's side, it's normally a reaction to her being in the area. He thinks and plans, but rarely acts on his own unless forced to, it seems like. Although when he IS forced to act--as when he and Himeno arrived here on their own--he does, and works responsibly.

10. Which is his default: fight or flight?
Talking The Monster to Death, but fighting if that doesn't work/is unfeasible.

11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does he appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?
Playful teasing, with occasionally some light innuendo. He can get a bit more sarcastic and sharp if he's in a bad mood.

12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he deal with them?
Probably not, at least nothing that has to do with a chemical imbalance--he's obviously got some emotional issues, but that seems to be all related to his background and duty as a knight. I don't think it's something that taking pills would fix.

13. What moments in this character's life have defined him as a person?
In general, his upbringing to prepare him to be a knight. The other defining moment is definitely his time spent as Takako's knight, and the events that led to her becoming the Princess of Disaster and being sealed away.

14. What does he fear?
Being forced to fight Takako. His emotions getting the better of him. The knights discovering his true feelings for Takako. Also the destruction of the world, somewhat, but his obsession with Takako has overtaken him so much that it doesn't seem to matter as strongly to him anymore.

15. What are his hopes or aspirations?
He wants the world to be safe, which is outwardly his first priority. Inwardly he also desperately wants to be loved by someone he's in love with, but he's given up on this because he believes his fate is to never experience this.

16. What is something he doesn't want anyone to find out about him?
Sensing a pattern here, but...the fact that he's in love with Takako. Even though a few people know this, at this point.

1. Describe this character's relationship with his parents.
Canonically, the anime never covers this. At all. The manga has one panel showing the younger knights as babies hanging like fruit from a tree in Leafenia, annnd I don't really have a better idea, so I've basically decided to say that the knights are "born" from the world tree in Leafenia. Thus, he has no father and his mother is a tree. I'd say his relationship is pretty distant.

I think as a child he was raised by the older versions of Mannen, Hajime and Shin, since it seems like the older knights are all about the same age and someone had to raise him. That's got very little canon basis, though.

2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like?
He considers the Knights his brothers. He used to be close to them (particularly Hayate), but since the sealing of the Princess of Disaster he's grown more and more emotionally distant and disconnected. It's unclear whether the other knights have noticed this or not--I don't think Goh has, and Hayate seems to wrapped up in his own angst over Takako, but Kei might've figured out something.

3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he is close? Are there ones he can't stand?
None, the Knights seem to be the only members of their species in general (although it's possible there are other Pretear and other Knights in other areas of the world that have their own little alter-dimensional pockets of Leafenia they can't reach, but....that's...entirely conjecture).

4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he considers part of his family? What are his relationships with them?
Himeno, sort of? She's the Pretear, so she's an important part of the group. Although he seems somewhat attracted to her so I don't think he thinks of her as a sister...but she's "one of them". He gets along with her and trusts her more than anyone else in the group, although he still emotionally keeps her at arm's length.

5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet?
Back home I think it used to be Hayate, but as I said above they've grown apart since Takako was sealed away. Here in Atia...I think he'd probably consider Esther his best friend, since she's the only one he really feels comfortable with talking to and being honest. Oddly enough I can't remember how they met--I think it might've been when she wrote to him through his radio show, but she might've talked to him on the Network before then.

6. Does he have other close friends?
Rue, although their relationship is currently strained due to a love curse. Ahiru, too, although Ahiru's crush on him does sometimes keep them from really connecting? I think Sasame feels a lot of pressure to keep his image up around Ahiru--she's too sweet to see his "darker" side. In his head, anyway. Ashton and Klavier probably count, too, although he's typically distant with both of them.

7. Does he make friends easily, or does he have trouble getting along with people?
He makes acquaintances easily. He meets and knows a lot of people. But since he struggles so much with trusting other people, he rarely makes meaningful friendships.

8. Which does he consider more important: family or friends?
Since his family is so strange it's a little muddled...I guess "friends", if you count Takako under that. But he actually does care about everyone pretty equally--even Hayate, whom he has a lot of rage towards. He says he wishes he could hate Hayate, which hints that he actually doesn't...

9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he been married more than once?
Siiiingle. I have no idea if the Knights ever get married, actually. Probably not.

10. Is he currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?
He's in love with Takako, but she doesn't realize it and is too busy being evil to care much at the moment. He's also developing a strong attraction to Rue, but she's WAY too close of being a repeat of Takako, so he's actively fighting against developing feelings for her.

11. Who was his first crush? Who is his latest?
There probably was a few girls he liked before Takako, but afterwards THERE IS ONLY TAKAKO. ...And Rue, and possibly Himeno. But mostly Takako.

12. What does he look for in a romantic partner?
Ahahaha oh god this is where I make stuff up. Darn it, writers of the series, give me more to work on. Passionate people, the sort of girls that throw themselves into what (and who) they love. He seems to be drawn to girls who are insecure for whatever reason--maybe because he wants to help build them up? Creativity and intelligence is a huge bonus, although not always a requirement. Physically, he's attracted to expressive eyes and long, dark hair.

13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he relate to them? If no, does he want any?
No children. My personal theory is that he's sterile--between the weird way Knights are born and the physical differences between them and full humans, there doesn't seem to be a need or reason why he would be able to father children. He could probably adopt a kid if he wanted to, but I'm not sure if it's really an issue for him--he doesn't seem to dislike children, but he doesn't seem to particularly enjoy being around them, either. (Of course, if Takako wanted children...)

14. Does he have any rivals or enemies?
The Princess of Disaster. Who he is also in love with, oh dear. Demon larvae to some extent, too. You might consider Hayate a rival of his, although Hayate's unaware of it. In Atia...? Since Ahiru has a crush on him you might consider he and Fakir rivals, although Sasame doesn't consider him to be. He considers Muraki evil and a villain, but that's not much different from most of the people on the island.

15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does he fall on the Kinsey scale?
Takakosexual. XD; But before/outside of that, he seems predominately straight. He occasionally finds men attractive, and he did agree to let Klavier loosen his collar, so I'd say he's about a 1.

16. How does he feel about sex? How important is it to him?
In a romantic relationship it's pretty important to him because he' overly idealistic romantic that glorifies any way to express affection including being completely subservient to a girl in bed. oooh I know I'm totally making that up, makes sense in my head Otherwise it's fun, but not a priority.

Of course, here on Atia, it's important to him because helping people is important to him.

17. What are his turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?
Oh boy XD I think one of Sasame's major turn-ons is things related to sound. [/obvious] So moaning, mood music--that sort of thing. He also looooves long hair and black hair--although he also has a thing for redheads. He seems to be drawn to vulnerability for some reason--and perhaps caring people, the sort that get caught up in their emotions because they care so much about other people that they're almost too dependent.

Turn-offs--hmmm, I haven't thought about this one as much. I think he's frustrated by logical, unemotional types at times. He also gets bothered by people that are harsh towards others. But he tries to give most people a chance. I can't think of any physical aspects he'd be turned off by...nothing comes to mind, anyway.

As for the bedroom--he really likes being dominated, and minor biting/scratching. At his most wild, he can be loud. That's not all the time, though. His teasing lasts into the bedroom. He just has a hard time resisting it.

1. Do you know your character's astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does he fit type?
Canonically--manga-canon, anyway--Sasame's birthday is December 30th, which makes him a Capricorn. So...*google* First result says...

* Good organizational skills
* Neat & tidy
* Practical
Strong work ethic
* Materialistic tendencies
* Conventional
* Respects authority
* Egotism
* Cruel taskmaster
* Servility
* Excessive perfectionism

Hm. ...Outside of, say, strong work ethic, servility and maaaaybe excessive perfectionism, I don't think Sasame's like any of that at all. The likes and dislikes has a few more things that fits--a like of unconditional love, a dislike of loneliness and not being useless--but a dislike of new ideas? He's really the only knight that QUESTIONS his duties at all. So...yeah, it doesn't seem like he fits very well into that.

I've got no idea what his Chinese zodiac would be...

2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his life?

Not exactly religious, but very spiritual. I can't really pinpoint an exact religion for him, his beliefs don't seem to quite fit anything that I know of (although it seems very "Japanese"), but he definitely believes that there's a God, and he has something that I guess you would call animism in his beliefs thanks to Leafé. He believes that God sets out fates for people (he believes his own is to not be loved), and he believes that things have a purpose, and he also seems to pray in the final episode. That being said, I think he's currently very bitter towards God because of what he believes his fate is, so he's struggling.

3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?

I think he's mostly guided by the general code that the Knights follow, but he's probably tailored it somewhat to his own personal convictions. I think overall he mostly believes in helping others, protecting other people, and avoiding doing anything that could hurt someone (both emotionally and physically). With sex (this is Amat after all), he doesn't have strict marriage-only guidelines, but he dislikes one night stands and prefers being in a committed relationship before he sleeps with someone. (He hides it well, but Atia's done a number on him with this.)

As for compromising it--when broken down enough, he'll break his own rules to help the person he cares about the most (as he demonstrates in-show). However, he still feels a ton of guilt when he does this, and he never feels quite "right" about it, even though he sticks with it.

4. How does he regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?

Tolerant and curious. He's absolutely sure on the "life energy" component of his spiritual beliefs (since, you know, Leafé Knight) but on some of the other things he's a little more open. I think he probably subscribes to a "many paths to God" sort of belief and doesn't think there's one religion that has everything exactly right. He's not particularly political so he's indifferent to other's political beliefs as long as they don't directly clash with his "hurt nobody" beliefs.

5. What prejudices does he hold? Are they irrational or does he have a good reason for them?

I don't think he has any particular prejudices--unless you count disliking people that remind him of Hayate. ...That he doesn't have that great of a reason for, no.

Daily Life
1. What is the character's financial situation? Is he rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?

Back home? Comfortable, thanks in part to living with the other Knights in Leafénia, the Land of No Rent. I don't think his job makes him that much money, but probably more than, say...Goh or Hayate makes. I have a feeling they end up pooling most of their money together, though, although I'm sure he keeps some for himself.

In Atia, he's doing fine, but since his income is a little less steady he budgets carefully and tries to keep an eye out for sales. He doesn't want his income flow to suddenly drop and not have any savings to take care of things. (Although I probably wouldn't play that out--even if he loses PC sponsors, I'll probably assume he picked up some NPC support along the way.

2. What is his social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him?

He's sorta outside the social sphere since he's a Knight, although I think if you met him without knowing any of that he'd probably come across as an upper-middle class sort of guy. I guess you could say his social status is pretty high because of his radio show being popular, which he appreciates but doesn't let get to his head much. He doesn't really seem to live a "celebrity" lifestyle in the show. (It probably helps that he has a radio show and a lot of his fans probably wouldn't recognize him at first glance. Even Mawata doesn't notice him until he addresses her as Miss Silk.)

3. Where does he live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his home his castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he share it with others?

Back home...they never actually showed this in the anime, but I'm assuming he lives in some ridiculously cute little house in Leafénia with the other knights. (Particularly since the other knights are all stuck staying in the abandoned church when he and Fenrir destroy Leafénia.) He seems to spend most of his time wandering around Awayuki Town, so he doesn't seem to be particularly attached to staying there--probably too loud and crowded to really be all that restful.

In Atia he rents a nice but not extravagant apartment by himself. It's a three bedroom apartment, but one of the bedrooms he's converted into his office for the Words Gate. He actually doesn't feel too comfortable there--it gets REALLY quiet, particularly since he's used to staying in a house with six other guys and having his sound powers on top of it. Because of that, he tends to spend a lot of time wandering around in Atia and only returns to his apartment at night, unless he's sick/injured or an event's messing with him or something. He might end up getting a roommate soon, I don't think he can stand living by himself much longer and he could probably use the help with the rent.

4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he spend his money on?
He has a pretty large music collection back home, and he's already starting to build one up here in Atia, too. He likes buying gifts for other people as a way of expressing affection and buying snacks for people when he takes them out for one of his spill-your-guts talks. And he probably spends more on his clothing and accessories than he really has to.

5. What does he do for a living? Is he good at it? Does he enjoy it, or would he rather be doing something else?
The answer he'd give would be that he's a radio personality back home with an advice show. He's very good at it and really, really enjoys it for the most part--although he sometimes feels frustrated because as much as he tries to ease his problems by helping other people, it doesn't really work. I think he'd be very satisfied doing that and nothing else.

He's also a Leafé Knight, a secret protector of the life energy of the world. This is a trickier answer--on one hand, he actually is very good at what he does and places a lot of importance on what he does. On the other hand, he feels that he's failed at a Knight since he wasn't even able to protect the girl he loved, and he's growing increasingly dissatisfied with it because he struggles between what he feels he has to do as a Knight, and what his feelings tell him he should be doing. But it's pretty much hard to quit being a Knight without becoming a villain, and he knows that it'd hurt the other knights if he abandoned them now--particularly since three of them are currently young children. So he's sticking with it, but his resolve is slipping.

In Atia he's continuing his radio show, although in a lesser capacity since he doesn't have his crew and equipment here. (Or a radio station, for that matter.) If he could do it full time, he would, but it's difficult to do and he's getting stir crazy, so he's looking for another job.

6. What are his interests or hobbies? How does he spend his free time?
Broken record tiem Music, music, music. XD Yeah, he just loves music--loves playing it, loves learning how to play instruments, loves collecting recordings of it. That's the main thing he really indulges in for himself...most of his other time is spent helping other people, where is what his true passion is. He probably spends a lot of time working out or practicing skills important to being a knight--or I'd imagine so.

7. What are his eating habits? Does he skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?
He's not that great of a cook, so when one of the other Knights wasn't cooking (don't ask me who cooks, I'm not sure), he picks up food on the run or gets something to eat at a food stand or cheap restaurant. I don't think his diet is all that great, really, and he probably eats a lot of junk food--he just manages to stay healthy enough because his other habits are pretty good. I don't think he skips meals much, though, unless he's just too busy with fighting.

As for alcohol, he doesn't drink very often--mostly because he looks so young. It's easier to live the lifestyle that people think you should be doing at your age, even if he's really much older. Because of that he hasn't really acquired a taste for alcohol, but he doesn't have anything particularly against it.

Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his favorite:

1. Color?
Purple and white--pretty much his canon associated colors. His favorite color is purple, but he's also fond of the color green. (Takako's eyes are green.)
2. Smell?
Hmmmm. Uh...a cool fall breeze. Oh! Or maybe the smell of falling rain.
3. Time of day?
I have no idea. Late morning? He seems like a morning person.
4. Season?
Winter. Blame Klavier calling him "Herr Snowflake"...XD
5. Book?
Uhh...I don't associate any particular book with him--his favorite is probably some psychology or self-help book.
6. Music?
Jazz music--his theme is kinda jazz and kinda sounds like porn music. So while he loves pretty much all music (yes even the dreaded rap and country XD), jazz is his favorite.
As for me, I associate the song "Falling" by Jamiroquai with him. ...I got the song off a Fakiru fanmix but...I like it better for him. >>;;
7. Place?
I associate crepe stands with him. Long story short, he takes Himeno out for crepes in the show and it's stuck in my head. And, of course, Japan.
8. Substance?'m not even sure how I'm supposed to take this question. Let's say silver. His earcuff is silver.
9. Plant?
*randomly makes this up on the spot* You know how when you're kid and make whistles out of grass? Yeah, I think I'd say wide-bladed grass.
10. Animal?
He likes birds. They make pretty songs~ Yes, this even includes ducks and things, even if they technically aren't songbirds. It probably has something to do with the typii back home, too.

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