War and asshattery

Jan 04, 2006 04:31

I like that word. Well, war too. but asshattery just seems to strike a fun and peculiar chord with me if only because as a nonsensical and vulgar term it comes across as the singularly perfect way to describe the situation a recent friend of mine has had the misfortune of putting up with.

now, we shall name NO names. why? because im pithy and prefer to strike from the shadows, but im going with what happened in the last year to a friend of mine. a brother. a man whom ive watched get perpetually dumped on by blood and those whom he's called friends. he's young, he's made mistakes, hell, who the fuck among us havent? if you havent made a mistake then guess what, youre either a liar of epic scale or someone who has never gone more then five steps outside of the blanket fort youve set up in your room. still, one of the larger mistakes this friend of mine made this past year was taking a chance and leaving a slightly unstable situation here at home and jumping into a highly volatile situation somewhere else.

He did it hoping he'd be able to get a fresh start. Job, home, car, and without all the baggage he'd begun to acquire here at home and hoped that it wouldnt follow him.

No, instead what he got was a shitstorm drama dropped right in his lap that has only recently fucking exploded in his face and while those at home are welcoming him with open arms and willing to give a hand and pick him up, brush our friend off and help him get going again. Those of the newer shitstorm drama have done nothing but spew venom and hatred and say what a vile, despicable, turd this person is.

Getting into some specifics, ive had occasion to talk with some of these people about what happened, and me being me, i did my best to put my base anger about a brother in trouble aside and try to asses the truth of the situation. Specficially, a relationship started at a celebration and after a couple weeks seemed to constantly be teetering on the verge of collapse. Yet for some painful reason, the both of them wanted to tough it out. (the Gods know why) Some point AFTER my brother had already ditched most of his ties down here (including a steady job and a guaranteed safe place to live), things blew up and he was pretty much adrift. Pride (im sure), among other things, kept him from wanting to return home. But those elsewhere were of little help, offering him a place to crash and a couple of shit jobs while he was busy trying to fix his broken down vehicle and get over a horrific relationship (if you want to call it that).

Well, he tried to settle in and within the last month acquired a new girlfriend (of which neither he nor his current gf were sure about to begin with but of late have become enthusiastic about) and a steady job. Things seemed to settle then "YANK!", some asshat decides to leave a message of such cowardice, venom, and whining stupidity that it left even me speechless. Partially because this person felt it was time to kick my brother out AFTER he'd already started to settle in and came to him WITH money in hand and a plan to pay him back for his genorosity, and the rest because he'd decided to leave this message on the phone of my brother's new girlfriend while the two of them were AT WORK. And yes, i had occasion to listen to this message. After calming me down enough so that i would not swear blood vengeance against this raging fucktard and have his head on a pike in front of my house by noon the next day, i wanted to wash my hands of the whole thing and once more offered my brother a place to stay and even assisted him in finding a job that'd give him a hand whilst putting him in touch with others who WANTED to help him, instead of expecting him get everything done by himself while sitting back and hoping he would fail.

Needless to say, he is employed again. But it seems this little drama has yet to truly peter itself out as others have taken their time to voice their views on exactly what they think of my brother and his time spent there. i wont repeat it, nor name names. I cant. Angry as i am, i think it would be wrong. Still, some are taking what potshots they can for no real reason, hoping beyond hope that it may have some lasting effect.

Now we get to my point, long, rambling, and verbose as it may be.

THIS IS DONE PEOPLE. My Brother. My friend. He is home once again, and picking up life after what has become an overlong and draining experience for him. Do i profess to understand everything that happened when he was away? No. Do I think he IS being unjustly assailed and assaulted. Oh, most definately, but as anyone with half a brain could note, i am more than a bit biased. Still i dont give a damn. I will not assail those who saw fit to treat him like shit and proceed to scream after him long after he'd already left, i dont have to.

Simply put, i dont care if we ALL get along. And my own idea of right or wrong is going to be so skewed as to be unimportant. So, shut the fuck up and move along. He is, let's see if you can grow the fuck up and the same.

k... that was an angry one, so i only apologize to those who that didnt pertain to. And if you think you ARE one of those to whom it covered, yes, i probably meant you.

Lines havent been drawn yet, but i dont want this to be the way to start a new year. (my own feelings about "new years" notwithstanding) So lets just get r done people and move along.
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