simplicity card logs

Jun 30, 2012 08:42

30 June 2012

+Starter Pack: bartender04, bartender02, bartender03, reverse04, falling02, marukyu02, karma06, vocal01, eyes10, crab06, keypluswords10, griever15

08 July 2012

-Received hairpins03, kokodake13, and snail11 from Guess the Character 02
-Received carnage04, kokoronotamago07, and requip02 from Guess the Seiyuu 02
-Received karma07, santoryu07, and saxophone14 from Guess the Mascot 02
-Received demon06, falling13, missinglink07 and ryokan02 from Guess the Mangaka 02
-Received bartender14, gallop06, prodigy05 and rent02 from Guess the Anime 02
-Traded marukyu02 with baredick for nirvana02
-Received allegrocantabile15, horns15 and ocean09 from Scavenger Hunt 01
-Received fish07 and kapp04 from Deck Suggestions 01

14 July 2012

-Received desperado12, innuendo02, and miasma03 from Guess the Manga 02
-Received bounty04, gomu11, and guitarist04 from Card Freebies 02
-Received dna14 from Minority Wins 01
-Received heart06 and marukyu09 from Guess the Card 01
-Received bloodteller01 and sea09 from Deck Suggestions 02
-Received theworld08, rain07 and replica15 from Guess the Seiyuu 03
-Received doll10, hawkeye06, miasma12 and perm12 from Guess the Mangaka 03
-Received heaven15, perm08, and valiant04 from Guess the Character 03
-Received clover11, desperado15, and kappa15 from Guess the Mascot 03
-Received boots01, haze06, and salamander12 from Guess the Anime 03
-Received dyne05 and esper10 from Guess the Quote 01
-Traded gallop06 with thumbs for griever10

26 July 2012

-Received crab07, kaerimichi03, and weare07 from Guess the Video Game 02
-Received allblue09, perm08, and veteran06 from Guess the Seiyuu 04
-Received cloud05, kaerimichi10, prodigy04 and requip04 from Guess the Mangaka 04
-Received electric02, missinglink02, and tablets04 from Guess the Character 04
-Received desperado10, vocal14, and yato07 from Guess the Mascot 04
-Received rent03 and runrunrun05 from Guess the Quote 02
-Received copy15, crawl05, gravel02, and maten01 from Guess the Costume 01
-Received allblue05, asterisk06, falling11 and friendship08 from Guess the Mecha 01
-Received knowledge12, rent07 and salamander10 from Guess the Anime 04
-Received karma14 and pizza04 from Guess the Card 02
-Received reliable10 from Minority Wins 02
-Received dokugan06, perfectarea15 and throat03 from Guess the Location 02
-Picked up bartender07, griever06, missinglink10 from Card Graveyard
-Received clover12, haze12, otaku04 and snail09 from Scavenger Hunt 02

21 August 2012

-Received perfectarea06, positive05, and sharingan05 from Guess the Video Game 04
-Received bureteiru07, hairpins01, infinity11, kiri07, and two03 from Spot the Difference 02
-Received dynames03, geta14, medium06, palmtop08, and standup15 from Word Search 02
-Received chef08, ffviiioverture06, and kanashi07 from Guess the Anime 07
-Received clearcut15, debt02, hawkeye03, and marukyu02 from Guess the Mecha 04
-Received chef12, keypluswords01, and letmebewithyou15 from Guess the Costume 04
-Received meat15, servant11, and tablets04 from Card Freebies 04
-Received gravel14 and weare05 from Guess the Card 06
-Received hotblooded11, pepsi12, and worldend06 from Guess the Eyes 03
-Received hyperion15 from Minority Wins 06
-Received fallingdown03, spell09 and veteran10 from Guess the Location 04
-Received aozoranonamida08, positive15, and saxophone03 from Scavenger Hunt 06
-Received achtung06, bustier13, and magicnumber02 from Guess the Character 07
-Received exwire08, runrunrun14, sea05, and valiant10 from Guess the Mangaka 10
-Received 19sai07, 19sai14, and miasma07 from Guess the Seiyuu 07
-Received agility10, corepride07, and letmebewithyou12 from Guess the Mascot 07
-Received miracles13 and theworld02 from Guess the Quote 05
-Received fish02 and mouse05 from Code Lelouch 03
-Received compose14, fashion08 and keys04 from Guess the Manga 06
-Received boots12, cynical15, games05 and sumeragi08 from Spot the Difference 01
-Received magitek10, substitute11, and wiredlife10 from Guess the Eyes 01
-Received knowledge03 and missinglink07 from Guess the Card 04
-Received gomu09 from Minority Wins 04
-Received fonist14, instructor14 and vongola07 from Guess the Location 03
-Received clothes08, kokodake02 and vampire14 from Card Freebies 03
-Received griever14, replica12, and someoneelse04 from Guess the Costume 02
-Received jump07, objection02, and weareremix01 from Code Lelouch 01
-Received inori11, knowledge05, and marukyu02 from GUess the Quote 03
-Received gender01, rent09 and santoryu10 from GUess the Mascot 05
-Received bluebird13, miasma04, and snail06 from Guess the Character 05
-Received asterisk04, prodigy06 and skysthelimit15 from Guess the Seiyuu 05
-Received debt12, mercenary04, sakurakiss11, substitute11 from Guess the Mangaka05
-Received asterisk01, dokugan01, and snail10 from Guess the Manga 04

27 August 2012

-Traded kokodake02 with 0orangepeels for dyne08
-Traded prodigy04/05 with dropsofviolet for achtung07 and mouse07
-Traded fish07 with 0orangepeels for nirvana07
-Traded kokodake13 with 0orangepeels for dyne06 + MCs
-Traded allblue05/09, cloud05, desperado10/12/15, hawkeye06 and miasma12 with baredick for bored12, chess15, light10, mercenary12, revenge13/14, spine08, tease14 + MCs
-Traded carnage04 with cureelliott for dyne06 + MCs

28 August 2012

-Traded fallingdown03, fashion08 with 0orangepeels for revenge07/09

.simplicity, *card log

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