
Nov 07, 2010 02:58

I'm just being lazy, and a little drunk, and coming down off a really, really good concert, but it turns out this thing is still here. Huh.

Anyways, I was at the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear last weekendI guess exclamation points are probably in order for that statement, but I'm not sure how many would be appropriate. The reasonable thing ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

gfial95 November 8 2010, 02:25:51 UTC
12 would be the bare minimum.


knightofbob November 9 2010, 04:31:30 UTC
Did you watch it? 'Cause I found the overwhelming response to telling people about it was, "That was today/yesterday/then?" And, honestly, I wanted to know if it was aired without commercials. I was imagining what the jumbotron showed was what aired, but I couldn't know. I'd love to know what CSPAN aired, for that matter. I keep finding clips online, but nothing in entirety.


gfial95 November 10 2010, 03:20:56 UTC
I had to work a 10 hour shift that weekend. Which was part of why I didn't get to go. Not watching it also made Comedy Central's questionaire about it on Monday rather awkward too. The only things I've seen were clips on HLN. Basically... I'm jealous.


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