Title: One More Thing That Didn’t Happen in Alphabet
Authors Note: Let's be clear on this. This didn't happen in Alphabet. I just couldn't get the mental image out of my head so decided it was worth jotting down, since it was that persistent. So it is not fic-canon. It's like... fanfiction, twice removed. >.>
Pairing: Matt/V (I don't fucking
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Comments 5
Matt blinks at him, upset and resentful, and oh, there’s the guilt.
That got me. Well done. Oh, this is EllieF from AFF and the Pit. Howdies! Hope you don't mind if I friend you.
I may have a tiny bit of a soft spot for Matt. >.> Obviously.
V/Matt, FTW! the world needs more of this fantastic crossover *-*
very well done, great job, miss ^^
or that this is NOTHING compared to the other crossover I'm doing
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