Personal Information
Name: Lyn, L, or G.
Age: 28
Personal LJ: backtothelight
Email / AIM / MSN: / Voice Almighty on AIM - but I do have a different SN for each one of my computers. Voice Almighty is my current main SN.
Character Information
Character Name: Kitt - the Knight Industries Three Thousand
Fandom: Knight Rider
Timeline: Knight Rider 2008, the latest series on NBC.
Source: and Character History:
In 2008, Kitt was built by Charles Graiman at the request of some higher-ups in a secret military project. After the failure of Karr, it was determined they needed an AI with a more tractable personality - but Graiman had something else in mind. He built an AI that he felt would uphold an older ideal: that one man can make a difference. He remembered the function of the Foundation for Law and Government from twenty-six years earlier, as it was started by Wilton Knight and upheld by Devon Miles: to pursue criminals that operated above the law, with too much money and too much influence for law enforcement to touch. For years, one man and one car had worked to put those people to justice, but FLAG had dissolved after Devon Miles had died, and the original Kitt had disappeared.
Charles saw it was time to rectify that situation.
But one night, under the guise of the power company, a group of men came to Graiman's house. He, suspecting the worst, slipped away, but the men managed to kill his body double. Kitt, still in Graiman's garage, escaped and, as he'd been programmed to, went to Charles's daughter, Sarah. Charles had made him a part of the Promethus project, a nationwide security net, and thus Kitt was a very desired piece of technology. And this was the first time he met his intended driver, the son of Michael Knight. Mike Traceur was reluctant to become Kitt's driver, especially at first, but he consented after Sarah 'bribed' him by paying off his debts to his racing sponsors.
Kitt had never had his abilities fully tested, and even once the heist had been stopped and the men were arrested by the FBI, Charles still felt he had some room for improvement. It wasn't until September that Charles considered Kitt mostly finished - his interior was completely redesigned, as was his Attack Mode. Mike remained his driver, but he became part of a unit headed by the FBI.
Case after case, the team learned to work with each other. Many times, Kitt was told that he had no emotions, or that he was expendable, but he only learned how expendable he was after the death of Dr. Graiman. The unit was closed, His chipset, the CPU that housed his mind, was removed to be placed in the predecessor he only barely knew he had - KARR. At the last moment, he uploaded himself, his memories, as much of his personality as he could, to a website. Billy Morgan, one of the chief techs, was able to pull his memory into a cobbled-together chipset made of spare parts, but one part was lacking. One piece of Kitt's personality and memories had been accidentally downloaded by a young teenager who had pulled it down through XBox Live.
It was Mike who saved him in the end, though KARR had to be destroyed. Kitt's CPU and programming was put back together, and with the FBI now not involved, the Foundation for Law and Government was revived. Their resources were slightly blunted without the government's assistance, but the four youngest members of the FBI's joint effort with Knight Research persist.
Character Personality:
Kitt is nearly two years old. However, AIs come into the world fully formed - or so he thinks. Kitt was intended to be a patch for Karr, and now he knows it. This, coupled with being told he can't feel and that he's expendable has left him somewhat bitter. Unfortunately, being told he can't feel has also made it plain to him that he isn't supposed to feel, and one thing AIs strive for is perfection. Therefore, he hides what emotions he does have (and they are limited) behind a careful wall of apathy.
The only times Kitt does show emotion is under times of extreme duress. He has admitted to his driver that he's been frightened, or that he feels ill, but in both cases it was when his life was threatened. Most usually, Kitt keeps his neutrality in any interaction. Sometimes, hints of anger or even a very subtle sense of humour can creep through, but once he sees that he's let himself show any proof of emotion, he will quickly clam up again and maintain that it never happened.
He is determined to be the ideal AI that Charles Graiman had in mind when he was programmed, even if he can't percieve that he might have that image wrong. He is meant to be the protector of his driver, their armour and their weapon, and to live up to that is his utmost goal.
According to canon and the links above, Kitt has quite the laundry list of powers and abilities. His nanite skin allows him to heal almost any damage as long as he has the power to fuel the repairs - this means that his nanites do draw power from his reserve batteries, and if those batteries lose power, then his nanite skin can no longer heal. However, if the power is there, he can heal himself from nearly any 'injury', including full-body scorching and dents, even damage to his circuitry and internal systems.
The nanites also allow for him to shapechange into different modes; his attack modes and 4x4 mode are most often used, but he has also used a van mode and more than one camoulflage mode. Information can be projected on the nanite skin on his hood, much like the display on the interior of his windshield.
Kitt is strongly armed to assist his driver in the field, with both lethal and nonlethal forms. His armament includes dart guns, gatling guns, missiles, anti-missile flares, a laser, the Black Ice compound that acts as an oil slick, an EMP device, and interior defenses such as tear gas as well as a small arms cache for his driver. His interior, however, holds many other secrets. His dashboard hides communications devices that connect him and his driver; a small triage unit that allows for the medical treatment of wounds; a chemical and physical fabrication unit that has been proven to create items such as false IDs, contact lenses, voice altering skin overlays, poison antidotes, keys, and other small items; a hard copy printer for incoming communiques and documentation; and even a system that allows for replacing fingerprints.
His top speed is at nearly three-hundred miles per hour and his engine runs on a combination of gasoline and solar power, allowing for nearly zero emissions. It also allows for complex manoeuvers such as ski mode - driving on two side wheels - and turbo boosting, which launches him airborne for object avoidance and to cross gaps such as washed-out bridges.
I do know that all of these abilities make Kitt something of a pint-sized powerhouse, and that's why I am more than open to negotiating which of Kitt's abilities need to go and which can stay.
First person:
I see that this seems to be a city full of machine life. While in ordinary circumstances this would be an opportunity for observation, these circumstances are not ordinary. I am meant to protect my driver but he is not present.
However, I do understand that there are humans in this city. Perhaps I will reevaluate my purpose to protect these humans while putting forth what effort I can to return to Mike. FLAG cannot function without me. If I understand correctly, the two factions are Autobots and Decepticons. Most Autobots seem to wish to protect humans as well, while most Decepticons prefer to attempt to destroy them as well as the Autobots. It is obvious which side I must ally myself with.
Third Person:
The SSC was dim, as it always was now. Once, he'd been used to people stirring in the distant hallways, experiments taking place in the many labs. There had been a sizeable personnel complement. Now, there were only four of them, and all of them were asleep, leaving him alone in his turntable.
He didn't mind being alone. He had always, essentially, been alone. But all of the old records he'd read had made it clear that this was the plight of the Knight AI. They were always alone. The original, the Knight Industries Two-Thousand, had once lamented being one of a kind. Then Karr had appeared, and the Two-Thousand had been forced to destroy him. A version of Karr had appeared to him as well. There was no way to know if that Karr was a remake of the original or a rebuild of the same name, but just as the Two-Thousand had done, he had had to destroy the only other knowingly functioning Knight AI in existance.
And as the Two-Thousand had disappeared following the dissolution of the original Foundation for Law and Government, he was one of a kind.
His place had not changed so much, even with the changes to the SSC. He had been one of a kind among the cadre of personnel - techs and interns and agents alike. Now he was one of a kind among five, counting himself. He did not feel lonely. But neither did he feel singular. He did not feel, he reminded himself. Did not, and would not.
Kitt sat there in silence, monitoring the networks for activity. There were no suspicious flights. No robberies. No chatter or scuttlebutt on the military networks. For once, it seemed that the world was at peace, leaving Kitt to sit in quiet and dark, listening to four humans sleep in the sleeping pods upstairs.
Perhaps he would admit to one feeling, and even then, only to himself. He was bored.