Sep 12, 2004 20:31
My car was smelling kind of funky. I febrezed it after a day of driving it around, then left the windows open for the past three hours. Just now, I went out to roll up the windows so as to prevent thieves from thieving my theftables. The entire parking lot smelled like skunk. And so did my car. The end.
The lack of entries recently is assuredly not due to lack of wastable-time. It is, in fact, due to my stupid office computer choosing to eat entries when I click in them to edit. Kind of sucks when you've written about 10 solid days of fascinating Knile-life. Hopefully The Amazing iMac will be better. If it ever comes. Basic rundown is that I'm taking 2 classes which should be the perfect amount of work, plus TAing the 3rd -- which means reading & going to class, but not necessarily learning the stuff. I know most of it anyways. The 2 grad classes I'm taking meet at ungodly hours: 9 AM Monday and 9:40 AM Tuesday/Thursday. Good thing I only have to walk down a flight of stairs from my office to get to them.
I bought a disposable camera (when I grow up, I want to own a real camera) so that I can get pictures of the new place and stick them up online. But, first, must fixing-up has to be done. My room is still a small, unfurnished disaster. The living room is coming along nicely. But we own too much stuff that defies framing.
I've got a bike, now, thanks to the amazing Ben & Keira. It's infinitely superior to walking. Plus, I figured out the useful-to-me parts of the city bus system.
Things are good here. I'm eating well, I'm mostly happy, I sleep well, and all that. At the recommendation of several readers & other friends, I did purchase a bedskirt. Being a grownup is fun, but kind of expensive. This grownup must now reheat leftovers and watch CSI while attempting to read for class.
grad school,