my elbows, my beautiful elbows!!

Feb 16, 2007 18:14

I finally finished something! I finally finished something!! :) Okay, I finish lots of things, but never anything this involved before:

Shawl, spread out on full-sized bed.

Shawl, detail of edge.

This is the Eugen Beugler feather and fan shawl from A Gathering of Lace, knit in Henry's Attic "Moriah" that I dyed myself (I'm doing hand-dyes on eBay as "halftoneyarn" these days, I just listed my last batch of "experiments" this afternoon); I happen to know my start date for this project, which was the night before the Windy City Knitting Guild met last (I've been pushing myself to finish so I can show it off there on Tuesday, and I made it!), so my knitting time on this was 4 weeks and 2 days, most of the last two days of which was doing the @!##$ crocheted edging. (I like the way it looks now it's done, but as I've been complaining throughout, the ADD is kind of an issue doing these things that involve counting n' stuff). I used 4's instead of 5's because that was what I had, so it's blocked out a little on the small side and might end up as a cloth on the table in the front hall instead of my fat shoulders -- must knit another shawl, the horror, the horror... ;)

(This shawl, BTW, is actually a pretty good second or third lace project, because once you get past the initial "divide 8 sts across 500 needles" part right at the beginning, the center motif is relatively simple, and then the rest is a short symmetrical repeat with 3 rows of plain knitting! It's more time-consuming than hard, but don't tell your non-knitting friends that...;) )
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