I would be really keen to make an order from you for these goods!!! I am just double checking with a friend of mine in Japan whether she is going or not as to whether she can get goods or not. But if not, theres a few things I'd be interested in.
I'm from Australia, are you willing to post to there??
Will you be needing payment by the 25th or just the order? Because I wanted to ask my friends if they wanted anything if that was ok? It would save us shipping charges!
ohh hmm, i need order by 25th! and payment, prefably asap! when will you be able to give me a reply? i might be able to make some arrangements in order to accomodate w/ you too(:
hi, I intend to buy the shirt, but i'm just wondering, are there any measurements given for the ladies black shirt? I'm a little worried whether it'll fit me well, especially since it's going to cost so much!
hey! hahaha umm discount will be slightly hard to be given because of the high prices charged by my supplier! sorry about it! however, if in the future, i might be able to do so if you purchase from me again! (: oh as for meetup, when will you be able to meet up? because i have been rather busy recently! and oh oh! i dont use that email for msn! hahaha. you can add me here instead: mushy_mushroom_kailin@hotmail.com
Comments 24
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i 'd love to have the shirt.. but too expensive~ n it sot include shipping..
yeah!!! Avex goods are much more expensive than Johnnys=/
including shipping?
58sgd might cost me around ~RM135
I'm from Australia, are you willing to post to there??
Will you be needing payment by the 25th or just the order? Because I wanted to ask my friends if they wanted anything if that was ok? It would save us shipping charges!
(The comment has been removed)
thanks yeah!
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