Title: How Cute! (a.k.a. 5 Times JUMP Called Daiki Cute + 1 Time He Didn't Mind)
Author: Knowmonsta
Pairing: HikaDai (Hikaru x Daiki)
Words: 645
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: Prompt #72 for the HSJ-thon. Somehow, the word 'cute' seems to always fit Daiki.
Note: I hope you guys like it!
~How Cute! ~
1. Yearbook Pictures
Daiki skipped into the lounge of the JUMP floor and plopped onto the couch, a large smile on his face.
"What's up Dai-chan?" Yuto asked, sitting next to him.
"My yearbook came in today!" he said excitedly.
"Cool!" Chinen exclaimed, running over to the couch and sitting on Daiki's lap. "Can we see your picture, Dai-chan?"
Daiki smiled and nodded, flipping to the page with his picture on it. Yuto and Chinen both 'aww'd' at the photo.
"You look so cute Dai-chan!" Chinen squealed and Yuto nodded in agreement.
Daiki pouted. 'Handsome' was what he was going for.
2. Photo Shoot Blues
BEST had been asked to bring in their favorite toy from their childhood in order to do a photo shoot. Yabu brought in an airplane, Hikaru an action figure, Takaki his toy grill and barbecue set, Inoo his Pokedex, and Daiki his teddy bear.
Daiki was the last to do his shoot, so all of the BEST members crowded around the camera man as he took pictures of Daiki hugging the bear. When the shoot was over, Daiki was called over to view the pictures. He frowned.
'Here it comes,' he thought.
"You look cute Daiki!" Takaki exclaimed.
"I agree," Inoo said, ruffling his hair.
"Aww," Hikaru teased, hugging him.
"Couldn't have said it better myself," Yabu chimed in.
"How is that Takaki-kun can wear a white apron with the words 'Kiss the cook' on it in pink letters and still look manly, but I hug a teddy bear and look cute?" Daiki exclaimed, thorough gritted teeth.
"It's a gift," Takaki said grinning.
3. Talk Show
"My first dance was pretty cool," Yabu said to Matsumoto Hitoshi of Down Town. "I had a lot of fun and I didn't feel awkward at all."
"That's good!" Matsumoto exclaimed. "What about you Arioka-kun?"
"I was so nervous I nearly tripped over my feet while dancing," Daiki replied, sheepishly. "Not to mention the fact that I spilled punch on myself."
"Aww!" the audience exclaimed.
"Kawaii," Yabu said, chuckling.
Daiki pouted. He would've rather been called a 'dork' in this case. 'Cute' certainly did not describe his actions.
4. Gaming Showdown
Daiki decided to play 'Super Smash Brothers Brawl' with Yamada, Keito, and Ryutaro. The time came to pick their characters and Yamada chose link, Keito Mario, Ryutaro Fox McLoud and Daiki Kirby.
"Kirby fits you Dai-chan," Ryutaro said and Keito nodded.
"And why is that?" Daiki asked, not really wanting to hear the answer.
"Because he's cute and pudgy," Yamada replied, grinning.
"Speak for yourself," Daiki muttered, poking Yamada's cheeks.
"Actually due to recent fan discussions Yama-chan's earned the title of 'sexy'," Yuto commented from his position on the couch.
Daiki frowned.
"No fair," he growled and the other laughed.
5. Memories
"Look what I found!" Yuto exclaimed, holding up an old magazine. "J.J.Express's old photo shoot!"
"Lemme see!" Inoo exclaimed, running over to Yuto.
"Wow!" Takaki exclaimed. "We were so little!"
"And Ryutaro looked so adorable!" Yamada exclaimed.
"Look at Dai-chan!" Yuto said, grinning. "He looked so cute!"
Daiki glared at him.
"When I rule Japan I'm outlawing that word from every dictionary," he muttered.
+1 Confession
"Hey Hika," Daiki said, sitting on the couch next to the older boy. "The vending machine was out of Coke, so I got you a Pepsi. Is that okay?"
Hikaru smiled and nodded as Daiki handed him the soda. The two sat and drank in silence for awhile, Hikaru stealing an occasion glance at Daiki every once in awhile. Finally Daiki got fed up and looked at him.
"Hikaru what is it?" he asked.
"I think you're cute," Hikaru blurted out, clearly embarrassed and Daiki blushed. "It's a pretty lame way of confessing, and I know you hate being called cute, but there it is."
Daiki smiled.
"I'll take it," he said, kissing Hikaru's cheek.
The End!
I hope you liked it!