Crisis Core Transcribed E-mails

Nov 10, 2010 11:00

Subject: Congrats on your first mail!

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: Kunsel here.
Now that you've got your mail account ready,
allow me, your loyal and well-connected pal,
to give you lots of insider info. Why? Because
I'm such a nice guy...and I know you and your
one-track mind don't know what I know!

Subject: What I think about Angeal

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: It seems every SOLDIER 1st Class has a quirk
or three, but I think Angeal has a lot of
common sense and is a trustworthy fellow.
Let's face it: Genesis never found group
activities appealing, so Angeal is, in fact,
the spiritual leader of SOLDIER.
I've got a lot of respect for him, too.
And I envy you for getting to work with him
so often.

Subject: Mmmm... Apples

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: You got an assignment in Banora, right?
How is the place?
I hear there are a lot of Shinra people there.
Apparently, the village's main source of income is the
production and processing of apples. The rest of their
budget is made up of subsidies from Shinra.
Now, why would Shinra care about such a tiny village?
Could it have something to do with mako? Or...
There's gotta be something fishy going on there.
I'm gonna look into it.

Subject: Angel in white?

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: Have you seen a guy wearing a white coat and
glasses, with dark hair and a ponytail?
That's Hojo, head of the Science Department.
He rose to the top when he established the method
of using Jenova cells to create SOLDIER operatives.
It was more than 20 years ago that scientists vying
for the top spot apparently had a mudslinging feud.
Hojo is in the training room now.
I wonder what he could be studying...
Maybe I'll sneak into the training room later.

Subject: Went to see LOVELESS

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: Genesis, K.I.A?
Yeah, right. Who do they think they're trying to fool?
Just got back from seeing the stage production of
LOVELESS in Midgar. Genesis was a big fan, wasn't he?
I usually don't care for classic drama, but it was pretty
damned good. The guy is the hero in the original, but
the play was more from the viewpoint of the girl who
helps the guy. When I heard that last line:
"Of course... I'll come back to you. Even if you don't
promise to wait. I'll return knowing that you'll be here."
Aw, man, that's when I lost it and just started bawling.

Subject: Hollander's T-shirt

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: It seems Hollander's favorite T-shirt is the one
with a logo of Banora's famous canned apples.
Can a guy love apples that much?
Or do you suppose he has other ties to Banora?
Apparently, with all the confidential information
they handle, guys in the Science Department
aren't allowed to leave the company even if they
screw up or lose out in the rat race, and that puts
them under a lot of stress. Maybe Hollander's
T-shirt helps him relieve some of that, huh?

Subject: Sephiroth's whereabouts

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: You were complaining about not being able to get
in touch with Sephiroth, but he's in the data room.
It looks like he's going through all the research papers
on a series of experiments called "Project G," as well
as other experiments conducted around the same time.
But Project G took place over 20 years ago, and
Hollander has taken some of the data with him.
I even hear that the really important data isn't
even here, but hidden away in some other place.
I don't know if anyone is ever going to understand
the full scope of those experiments.

Subject: Snowy village

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: So now you're in Modeoheim, eh?
Isn't that near Icicle Inn, the permafrost area?
It must be freezing cold out there!
That area was once a candidate for mako excavation,
when it was abuzz with construction workers and
scientists around the Shinra facility.
But after the plans for a mako reactor were canned,
the village was deserted. That is, until reports of
disturbing activity started popping up recently.
The seclusion and harshness of the environment must
make it a convenient location for anti-Shinra groups.

Subject: Simultaneous attacks

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: Zack, where are you?
SOLDIER operatives are being sent out because
we're getting attacked from all over the place.
I'm on a chopper myself, on my way to an assignment.
You were on vacation, weren't you?
Did it get cut short?
These recent attacks may spell real trouble for us.
What's worse, the chain of command is in shambles
since Director Lazard suddenly disappeared.
Nobody seems to know where anyone is!

Subject: How was your vacation?

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: Haven't arrived at my post yet.
Could the director's absence be having this much
of an impact on the operation's lack of finesse?
By the way, how was the beach?
You looked awfully stressed out before you went.
Did the waves and the sun help ya at all?

Subject: I see everything

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: Hmmm, I wonder where you might be.
Wait, let me guess...
You're hanging out with that Aerith girl again,
aren't you?
I bet you're wondering how I got that information.
See, I know everything about you,
even if you never tell me anything.
In other words, it's no use keeping secrets from me,
because I know how to get information.
So talk to me, Zack. You can tell me anything.
Tell me about all the things that are wearing you down.

Subject: Falling apart

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: Those copies Hollander made that attacked Shinra...
Did you know that Director Lazard financed Hollander
with money he embezzled from the company?
Seems revenge against the company was
the motivation for both of them.
I can understand Hollander wanting revenge, but why would Lazard?
He climbed up the ladder while he was still young. And he was
always a decent guy. What could he have had against the company?
I do remember him writing about "ill blood" in one of his mails.
Speaking of climbing up, the president's son's already made
vice president. You think Lazard was after the VP's chair?

Subject: A message for you

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: Working hard at your assignment, I assume.
I guess it was longer than we thought it would be.
I thought I'd look after Aerith while you were gone,
but the Turks were already there guarding her.
I don't know why.
Anyway, she says the tire came off her flower
wagon, and now the thing's useless.
I offered to fix it for her, but she refused.
She's waiting for you to come back and fix it,
so hurry up and get back here already.

Subject: Tell me they're lying

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: Got an announcement from General Affairs
that you were killed in action.
But those announcements are never true, are they?
Where are you? What are you doing?
What did you have to do for the company
to reclassify yourself as a dead man?
Let me help you if you're in a jam.
Talk to me, I'll be waiting.

Subject: You can't fool me

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: Zack, where could you possibly be?
Let me know if you're reading this.
You've gone missing since your mission with Sephiroth.
Do you have anything to do with Sephiroth being
killed in action?
I heard rumors about something going down in Nibelheim.
Are you there right now?

Subject: Just as I thought

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: I hear two research samples have escaped from Nibelheim.
And might you be one of them, Zack?
If you are, watch your back, because now a whole
battalion of infantrymen has been called in.
They're coming after you in crazy numbers.
Man, what in the hell did you do to deserve this?
I don't care if you've made an enemy out of Shinra.
I'll always be waiting for you to come back.
Just make it back alive, buddy. Promise me.

Subject: A SOLDIER legend, so they say

To: Zack
From: Kunsel

Contents: Someone apparently took care of this thing that's
been on the back burner forever. All the bigwigs
and everyone in SOLDIER are freaking out that
it's the return of the SOLDIER legend.
The source of the problem was apparently more powerful
than a summon. Its materia reaction was so beyond measure,
the gauge started to smoke. In fact, the materia power
was so intense that other monsters, and even robots,
became overloaded with mako and started going berserk.
Anyway, I was thinking...This SOLDIER legend...
Could everybody be talking about...YOU?

*[crisis core] transcribed e-mails, *[ooc] spoilers

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