Character info for discedo!

Nov 10, 2009 16:08

What he has to offer: Itsuki is an esper-- that is, he has ESP. HOWEVER, he can only use this within the "closed space" that Haruhi will occasionally create, which means that his powers would be unlikely to come into play in Discedo even if he were to lose his chip. Normally, he uses his psychic powers for fighting purposes, in order to battle the monsters that manifest in closed space.

Items from home: Just the clothes on his back!

Slash: He is flamboyant, isn't he. 8) Case-by-case basis for all relationships, whether slash or het. I generally prefer letting things develop ICly as opposed to ~planning it out~ OOCly, anyway. :P
Maim/murder/death: Case-by-case basis on all three.
Kissing: I'm fine with it OOCly, so go for it if you want!
Hugging: See above!
Badtouch: For that sort of thing, I'd probably want a warning in advance if your character plans to try to get some. ;)

Threadhopping: Sure, I'm completely fine with it as long as you don't hop into a commentlog (unless your character could logically stumble upon the scene or you ask permission first) or locked conversation.
Fourthwalling: I'm taking this on a case-by-case basis, so if you want to have your character fourth-wall him, just ask! In general, though, I'll probably say no, though there are a few situations in which I'd give permission. (This doesn't apply to Fourth Wall Events, of course-- any and all fourth-walling is obviously okay there.)
Backdating: I'll continue any old conversation/commentlog/log, no matter how long its been since the last comment (in other words, if you dropped a thread two months ago and now want to continue it, go ahead and I'll reply!). The same goes for replying to old entries-- though obviously, I'll backdate any responses. The only exception to this would be if you replied to an entry from before your character was in the game. In that case I'd probably delete the comment because it wouldn't be following continuity. D:

HOW'S MY DRIVING?- Oh god do it please.

This post also serves as a contact/plotting/spam/whatever post, so feel free to use it whenever you want.

discedo: !ooc

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