I Hate This Shit Samantha

Oct 03, 2005 18:59

Special entry because I was tagged..

1. I am deathly afraid of heights.

2. When my Opa in Germany died I never cried. It's not because I didn't love him, care about him, or wasn't close with him...because I was..but I just didn't cry for some odd reason. Maybe it was because I was 15, I don't know.

3. I was really super shy my freshman year of high school and only 2 friends basically. Liesl and Adam, who were both older than I was. Although I had alot of fun with them, I hate that year.

4. Omi has been dead for over a year now and I haven't been to her gravesite since the funeral. I understand the importance that cemeteries hold and that you should indeed visit the gravesite, but as selfish as this sounds I feel that I am too young to be scene at a cemetary visiting a grave. I also feel completely stupid and I'm not sure exactly what to do. Do you talk to the grave? I remember my parents dragging me as a child and I never knew what to do.

5. I bit into a grapefruit when I was 5, thinking it was an orange. I found out the hard way it wasn't and haven't eaten a grapefruit since. I don't plan on eating one ever again either...even though I just might like it now.

6. Speaking of fruit, I never eat it. I love it a lot, but if it's not cut up, or set in front of me I don't take the effort to eat it. Sad huh?

7. I failed my TEMPS test the first time I took it. Then I cried and my Mom told me I should've studied more for it.

8. I took Chemistry for a semester my junior year of high school. I had Mr. Mimier for a teacher and I thought he sounded like a frog and never understood what he was teaching me. Instead of trying to learn I just drew pictures of him instead. Needless to say I failed and dropped it. Now, I'm friends with his daughter Emily, who I met through facebook at college.

9. I've only worn thong underwear once in my life. The only reason I actually had a pair is because my friends and I bought matching underwear from Walgreens on a random night on Brady St. and I got stuck with a thong.

10. I have a bra shopping phobia...and I'm extremely embarassed to go shopping for them. I feel as if everyone is looking at me and laughing or something. I'm also jealous because it seems as if I can't get cute bra's with support in my size, so I always get granny bra's.

11. I was left-handed in kindergarten and switched to being right-handed when I moved to Cudahy in first grade.

12. When I lived in West Allis, my room was upstairs and super huge compared to my room now. The closet though was very frightening and old and had a pull string light to see in it. I never opened the door because there was a manequin head stored in there from when my sister Donna went to Beauty School.

13. I have a Friday the 13th game for Nintendo that really isn't mine. I borrowed it from Katrina and then we got into a fight in 8th grade and I never gave it back. Now she's dead and I'll never be able to give it back and I feel bad about it. And you know what? To this day I still can't figure out how to play that game.

14. I always say I hate to do shots of Jagermeister, but really I actually kind of like it.

15. I hold a few friends so close to me that I think they are my sisters. In reality I think I do this because I'm not that close to my real sisters.

16. When I was 17 I went up north with my parents to visit my brother. I went outside to smoke a cigarette and my parents came out saying we had to leave. I didn't want to waste the cigarette so I put it out and kept it with me. The entire ride back to where we were staying my Mom complained that she smelled a cigarette in the car. When she asked if it was me I completely denied it and to this day she has no idea what so ever. And to be honest, it smelled horrible.

17. Sometimes on rare occassions I actually plan to work out. I'll get my work out clothes on and get ready and then get side tracked by the TV or the computer. Pretty Sad huh?

18. I've probably looked through my Dad's senior year high school year book about 30 times...and it never gets old to me.

19. I want to have kids. 2 kids, a girl and a boy and it's so very typical I know. The only problem is that I don't want to go through child birth, and I never want to adopt because I want it to be from me.

20. I've become jaded about holiday's. I used to love them, even if my family was crazy and my Aunt would start and arguement. Now each year this one less person to celebrate. And this year I don't even think we're having a Christmas Eve like we always do with my brother. It absolutely pisses me off and makes me seriously sad, because everyone else does something and most of them could care less. I care and we do nothing.
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