Long time...

Nov 06, 2004 01:48

I was curious... so I took this (courtesy of joshia)

Archetype Test Results
The Secret (INTJ)

Quiet and very self-assured, this personality is one to keep its own council. Secret personalities often find themselves masters of a particular area of expertise and they not only realize this fact, but are quite comfortable with it. Pragmatic and practical to a fault, the Secret personality is not one to worry about the finer points of philosophical discourse. This is why you will very rarely find this type of person involved in bureaucracy or religion. In fact, because they are very much individualists, this personality often finds itself at odds with the established truth or the wishes of the majority.

Because of its supreme understanding of a given situation, the Secret personality will often earn the wrath of an employer by taking upon itself decisions, which are rightly those of a manager. Knowing what is right is all that this personality needs to take action, whether action is desired or not. Scrupulous to a fault, the Secret is not one to take credit unless it is deserved. Similarly however, it will also not happily give credit where it is not due. Many scientists and engineers are found in this personality type.

The Secret personality can be hard to know, and in romantic relationships they can be very frustrating. While they do care deeply and sincerely, and are willing to work at a relationship, their confidence in their own abilities can on occasion make it difficult to see the world from a partner's point of view. Quiet and stoic at times, this personality can drive a more emotional individual completely up the wall. Emotionality is something to be fixed in most cases with the Secret personality.

Always learning, the Secret is in a constant drive for understanding. If they take upon themselves the onus of learning a new hobby or activity they will often absorb themselves completely in the task. Internalizing the world around them is natural for the Secret. Similarly, they are very good at understanding how different systems work together to create a whole. They are integrative thinkers and often see the big picture. This is because they have come to fully understand its parts.

Independence is of prime importance to the Secret, both in mind and body. This can at times be very frustrating to those in a romantic relationship with this type. Focusing on the goal and analyzing the course that will lead to it is of prime importance, and the human issues that come into play during this behavior are secondary. Human interaction is the biggest troubling issue in the lives of Secret personalities, although they often are not concerned with it.

Relationships are best with this personality when they are constructive, or at least developing. Stasis is anathema. In an argument they can be tediously stubborn and can find it difficult to admit defeat. Thanks to their intuitive sense, this personality type will sometimes immediately understand another person and will let this individual into their confidence. If you are accepted by a Secret, they will tend to be very loyal to you.

If you are a Secret personality type you should make an effort to be open to new ideas brought about by others. Be open to having your ideas discussed and analyzed impartially without getting defensive. Try to understand that your natural reserve can appear as aloofness to those who don't know you. Make time for relaxation that has nothing productive about it.

There are times when working hard on a problem that the Secret can become overstressed and fatigued without knowing it. Taking time to rest between bouts of hard work can help to prevent a breakdown later on.

It fits, though not really sure how a bunch of shapes got this result. Maybe psychoanalysis would be an interesting topic of research...
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