Hi all!
This is a post for anyone who wants to read something that is not written. Yet. Comment in this post including the following and I'll write one for you!
1. Livejournal name (Just login before you comment. This is so that I can dedicate it to you.)
2. Pairings or characters you want in the fic. OC is okay too!
3. Genre (optional)
4. Plot (optional)
5. Ratings (optional) This is so that I know the limits you want it to be. What if you're 10 years old and I wrote a smut fic? Or I wrote a cute fic but you were expecting something implicit? But you can ignore this if you're fine with anything :D
Do note that I only do oneshot and drabble fics. You can give me a word challenge, where I'll write a fic with your word as the title!
I write fics on any Johnny's idols, although I'll prefer Hey! Say! JUMP and NEWS.
Pairings that I love: YamaJima, OkaTaro, YabuHika, AriYama, OkaJima, TegoMassu, TegoPi, KoyaShige. But this doesn't mean that I don't write any other pairings! Although, I tend not to write YamaChii. Sorry about this.
Comment away! BTW, I will screen your comments after I wrote your fic. If your comment is screened, but your fic is not here, do notify me!
Due to overwhelming responses, you need to wait while I write >.< Gomen!