8 more days...

May 14, 2007 22:25

AP English Lit (mmm, ok)
AP 2D Design (a.k.a. AP Photo. If I don't get at least a 4, I'm going to kill myself. Eric has digital files of our portfolios if you want to see, but really, I can't wait to get our slides back.)
2 Ab Psych Projects (3 hours of BS)

To Do:
Ab Psych Final (PT I: Wed 5/16, pd 2; PT II: Wed 5/23, pd 2)
Extra Ab Psych Work McMahon is giving me (...because apparently, I've missed so much of her class...how does this make sense when we don't do anything in that class to begin with?)
BCPS Health Final (Wed 5/16, lunch)
Towson Health Final (Wed 5/16, 4PM)
Theory Final (Sat 5/19, 11AM)
Senior Recital (Sun, 5/20, 6:30PM)

Today, I was organizing Mrs. Marx's file cabinet...and the thing that weighs a ton cascaded down and fell on me. Not completely, thank god - the file cabinet behind me stopped it, but there was definitely a lot of chaos.

Today was also the Physics final. Hahahaha, Barker graded the kinematics part and I got a 1, so I pretty much failed the final, meaning I'm getting a B for my final grade. Not a big deal.

Lots of work for the Senior Slide Show left, but considering I wont be doing anything in at least 3 periods during the day, and that one is already dedicated to it, I'm confident it'll get done in the next few weeks.

Totally nervous for my senior recital. It's so close! And there's so much organization to take care of...gah. Leaving school early to go make the programs!

Donating blood tomorrow (with my donor card!) and it's the first Park Camps meeting, yay!!
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