Yeah, took me a while to get around to uploading this. And somehow we ended up going out of order. Ah well.
Leo Joel: My face is not symmetrical in this portrait!
"Those twins are the closest thing to Heaven."
Vixi: That's totally some type of innuendo.
Ko: How does he hold that cigarette in his mouth w/o biting through it?
Vixi: You've never seen someone do that? It's the most disgusting habit ever.
Ko: Yeah. You're not cool, you're not hip. You just look like a dumb ass.
Amy: Is that a watch in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
Conan: I'm pretty sure that's just my watch.
Amy: Are you sure? I can check if you want...
Conan: NOI'MGOODTHANKS! Don't touch me!
Amy: -raep face- MOLESSSSSSTTT....
Conan: Oh god no!
"Are you sure it wasn't a sugar-induced hallucination?" "Not this time.'
George: My therapist told me cut back on the Ding-Dongs.
Madison: How dare you! Why are you on Floor 31?! This is off-limits?!
Dude: But ma'am, I just had to use the bathroom...the others, they're full!
Madison: I don't care if you're in the middle of labor, no one sets foot
on Floor 31 but me! Now go back downstairs and take a piss somewhere else!
Dude: But ma'am-
Madison: I don't care! Move your ass! -Closes the door on his leg-
Dude: -pisses his pants-
Madison: And clean up that piss!
-after seeing Amy's new pic-
George & Mitch: Oh god so sexy! Only ten more years and she's all mine! Giggety.
Vixi: Since Dr. Agasa's pic is the same that either means he won't be alive
10yrs from now or he's ageless.
Ko: Agasa, God of the Puns!
Rachel: I think you two look totally handsome.
George/Mitchell: Sha-broing!!!
Vixi: What's with the zoom circles?
Ko: It's to identify the main characters for the autistic kids.
Christabel: Ok, so the boss is done sucking the head bosses' dick,
so we can finally come up! ^o^
"He helped with the construction of this building in more ways than either of us
care to count."
Madison: Sir, what are you doing?
Augustan: I'm sticking my dick in it, what's it look like?
Madison: But why?
Augustan: Because I want to. ...I believe I've gotten it stuck.
Christabel: Yes?
Madison: Run and fetch the butter. Augustan has his dick stuck in a hole...again.
Christabel: But it's all the way on the first floor, and you don't let me use the
company elevator.
Madison: Do you see this face? Does this face say that I care? No? Then get to it!
We fill holes with cement, not with dicks!
(after this point, the movie got decent, so we don't have any more comments.)