It ain't over til it's over

Aug 09, 2007 09:57

For those nerds who do not have Facebook, here be some pictures of me, Qai, and the hermanitas in our HP7 midnight release costumes.

Larisa as Moaning Myrtle (the badge sasys "Hi, my name is Myrtle! Ask me about the sewer system."):

Gemma as Umbridge:

Anika as Tonks:

Qai and I as Fred and George (I was Fred, she was George, though you can't see the big F and G on our sweaters in duct tape. The orange hairspray clearly worked better on her lighter hair than on mine. Her badge says "I blame Fred for my accident" and mine says "I enjoy my change from POLYJUICE PASTILLES." Darn gender-switching candy. Terrible):

This one has absolutely nothing to do with Harry Potter, but it's my favorite photo that I've taken this summer (Riri, floating in our pool while reading Nancy Drew):

Huzzah. Back to work.

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