Best Of You by the Foo Fighters is an awesome song... i love the Foo Fighters...
ps it's been a year of smiling and having nooooooo bull shit too deal with... this last year of being happy is the result of a very very good decision.
Last night was awesome... thanks guys for coming and singing along... it was so awesome playing with Ambry twice this weekend... we all had a good time... take care everyone and we'll see ya soon...
ps... the new faraway shirts will be in tuesday so check out the faraway store and pick one up.
I love the Cadence and the Northwood like whoa... I went to the show last night with Kortine... it was cool... I lost my iPod, but some kid held it up and gave it back too me... i wanted to give him money but i couldn't find him again... that's the sort of stuff that gives me hope for the human race...