Title: Just Needs To Be
koheePairing: Roger Federer x Rafael Nadal; Roger Federer x Mirka Federer
Summary: Rafa does not see how things will work once Roger retires, so he chooses to go. Roger knows that it is not very sensible to keep things going, but he wants to anyway.
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Author's Note: For the Fedal Winter Ficathon
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Comments 6
A quick digression: I don't think it's cheating to use a favorite plotline as long as it meets the prompt. (Speaking as a writer who just realized people keep bursting into bouts of hysterical laughter in my fics. I gotta find another way for my control freaks to lose composure. ;-) )
Back to the fic: squee! So many of my favorite elements here: I love that Roger retires after a win, and that it's after the Olympics. I love seeing your projection of their future victories. (*happily noshes on cookies*) Awesome!Mirka always makes me happy, and awesomely blunt-yet-concerned Andy Roddick is always a terrific bonus (and Mirka dragooning Andy into making Roger do what he oughta = yay!). And because I do have a mean streak, Rafa trouncing Tomic also makes me gleeful, and the last two lines in particular = I'm all melty-happy now. :-) Thank you for picking my prompt, and for writing this!
That, and I loved that Rafa finally got his U.S. Open victory. *g*
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