Title: Of Baking and Apples and Pies
koheePairing: Takizawa Hideaki x Imai Tsubasa
Summary: One-shot: Tsubasa loves baking. And he thinks it would be a great idea to rope Takki into his apple-pie project.
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Rating: PG
Author's Note: I actually started this like a long time ago when I was baking an apple pie with my boyfriend
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Comments 7
it was hilarious and it sounds exactly how a pie making with t&t would be like. takki was sooo obviously doomed right from the start when tsubasa shows up and then ashklfjlsa sad him, he ends up being the one who feels guilty for attempting to rain on tsubie's sunshine parade. he really should've known better.
Honestly, Hide-kun, you need to get a life hahaha! tsubasa spends his days off washing his car and eating sushi by himself. he's not any better^^;;;;
height difference jokes will NEVER get old and teehee tsu telling him he's short while climbing on a stool himself fufufu!
Tsubasa-hurricane - poor takki never quite knows what hits him.
and sniff tsu being ridiculously happy about apple pie and quality time makes me feel all mushy.
Next time, he'd prepare cream and ice-cream for his pies. how kinky :o
Hush those yamaki urges and write more takitsuba instead <333
I like it when Tsubasa is all childish and demanding, Takki just cant say no to his Tsuba-chan ^_^
I wonder if Takki ever got his script off the top of the wardrobe lol
The ending is so sweet ;~; And the whole thing is made of win. Man I want some apple pie now :x
You should definitely write some more takitsuba, yamaki can wait for a while ;3
*whips out cake for baking fic* ;D
But it was so sweet~ <33 Haha. I love how they're both obsessive-compulsive, but not.
And how Tsu had a sadk!itty face. All the more kitty-like he is!! <33
Hide-kun~ you'll never be able to resist!
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