Title: Never Alone
koheePairing: Takizawa Hideaki x Imai Tsubasa
Summary: One-shot: In the end, there is always Takki. Tsubasa just needs to remember, and believe that.
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: I don't know had/has what gotten into me. Warnings for self-harm, attempted suicide, depression, cutting, pretenses, all the unshiny
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Comments 12
thank you
but thank god they are together in the end.
I've read quite a few suicidal Tsubasa fics, and to be honest, I sort of grew to hate them...with a fiery passion. X/ But this was so well written, and not totally soap opera overdone, that I was able to enjoy reading it. Well, enjoy is sort of the wrong word (it felt like my heart was being ripped out \o/), but you catch my drift. :P Good job!
P.S. I discovered your journal through reading inocchiroo's ficathon comments. :]
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