Title: Can't Ever
koheePairing: Yamashita Tomohisa x Horikita Maki
Summary: She may finally be getting over him, but that isn't exactly what he wants.
Genre: Angst/Romance
Rating: R for adult situations
Author's note: I don't even know what or why or how or when and I may officially be nuts. Damn Kurosagi.
She tells him that she is seeing someone, through a text message sent to his phone, and it seems too detached and formal and so unlike how they used to be, although there is not any other way to tell him, not with the way they are with each other now. )
Comments 12
yamaki is so true..*lol*
thank you for writing this ^^
i l0ve it alot..
go0d thing they ended up together..:)
Yamaki is very true!!
I'm going to read this over and over and over again until my eyes fall of from my sockets!
I just love it!!!
thank you!!!!!
Thanks so much for this. I love this one! ^^♥
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