Whoa. What is this tome of arcane memories? *blows off dusts* Why it's my LJ! :D :D :D It has been a while. Life and a Whole Host of Other Stuff got in the way. And so in apology, I offer thee, oh my most Bewuved F-List...
Went to Tokyo last 4 to 11 December 2011 for a seminar at Head Office. Would've gotten there in June 2011 but the March 2011 earthquake pushed the schedule to December. Surreal, but even with the earthquake, our Tokyo staff were e-mailing us: "Could you please wait for 15 minutes before we accept your transaction? We are currently experiencing strong earthquake now and our systems are about to shut down." 15 minutes later... "Thank you for waiting. Let us resume our transaction..." Wow.
Arrived at Narita Airport, boarded a Bus that took us to downtown Tokyo. Looked around at the shiny clean awesomeness. Reverse-quoted Thor, "OH NO THIS IS *NOT* EARTH IS IT?!" XD
Tokyo was awesome. The air is just so darned clean, my lungs go into shock just like they would whenever I'm in Singapore. XD Contrary to popular belief, there *are* English signs in busy sections and you won't get groped in the subway. And yes, there are real-life BISHOUNEN walking around the streets of Tokyo. ;D
The best part about Tokyo is the cold weather, playing around 7 to 10 degrees Celsius. I couldn't get enough of the cold- I stomped through the streets most of the time without a scarf, without gloves, without a hat and with my jacket open. Contrary to popular belief, I didn't catch flu. In fact, my cold got better. I left Manila with some slight sniffles and the second I inhaled Tokyo air it was like WHOA NOSTRILS CLEARED. XD XD XD
At Shinjuku with other delegates from other branches in Asia.
With a Random Tree in Harajuku
I don't know what they're selling in this store in Shibuya, but they got an awesome display.
Crossing with a sea of humanity in Shibuya.
This is soooooo Akihabara. XD
With a new friend, another delegate from Jakarta. This is the correct and only way to eat edamame. Incorrectly (actually, you squeeze the pod until the bean pops out). XD
With one of the Head Office staff at Kanda.
How I brought my dog ROFL with me in Tokyo. :D ♥
My hero, Hachiko. Dream came true and finally got to visit his shrine in Shibuya.
Saturday, I went out for a short run. Of my running gear, I only managed to bring my Asics running shoe and a sports bra. Am such a d0ob, so I put on a thick cotton long-sleeved turtleneck and my black OFFICE SLACKS and headed out. Jogged at a slightly faster than my usual pace... so the young fashionable Tokyo peeps in their trendy ski outfits wouldn't notice the weirdo running in non-running clothes. It was so cold, I didn't even break a sweat.
So yeah. Naturally, when it was time to board the plane back to Manila, I was like NUUUUUUUUUUUU PLZ TO NOT BE TAKING ME BACK TO REALITY. XD