(no subject)

Oct 09, 2005 00:00

[name:] Baron Kevin Master Hector-Thrusterdactly B. Rodriguez James McNaught the 3rd Esquire

[sign:] Aquarius, the guy with the pot of water

[do you have faith in long distance relationships:] no, I am not a sucker.

[ever been on a blind date:] I am the blind date.

[ever dated more than one person at a time:] no

[ever have "friends with benefits":] OMG NO

[what attracts you to a person:] a peg leg and a hook.

[average age you get involved with:] 9457 days

[have relationships changed you:] My relationship with Tony Danza. He's my best friend. We ride unicycles on Thursday!

[where do you normally meet people for dating or relationships:] Log hurling contests.

[would you ever get married:] NEVAR

[key to a successful relationship:] PATIENCE


[Wallet?] brown. smells of seawater.

[Hairbrush?] invisible

[Toothbrush?] white, has bristles. may be intelligent.

[Jewelry worn daily?]

[Pillow cover?] BLACK LIKE MY SOUL /emo

[Blanket?] I prefer to freeze

[[In my mouth?] uh?

[In my head?] a brain.

[Wishing?] trolls

[What are you doing after this?] I DON'T KNOW

[If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?] CHarles. I'd show him who's in Charge!

[Is next to you?] The Colonel

[Some of your favorite movies?] Out Cold. Eurotrip.

[Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month?] NOTHING

[The last thing you ate?] Pudding

[Something that you are deathly afraid of?] Mimes.

[Do you like candles?] No

[Do you like incense?] No

[Do you like the taste of blood?] Only with strawberry milk powder.

[Do you believe in love?] I believe ina thing called love. Just listen to the rhythm of your heart.

[Do you believe in soul mates?] I'M A SOOOOOUUUUUUUL MAN. DA NA NA NA NAAAAAA

[Do you believe in love at first sight?] What about the seeing impaired?

[Do you believe in Heaven?] Nope

[Do you believe in God?] Nope

[What do you want done with your body when you die?] dumped in a field

[What is the latest you've ever stayed up?] all night

[Can you eat with chopsticks?] Yes

[What's your favorite coin?] Susan B. Anthony Silver Dollar!

[What are some of your favorite candies?] Junior Mints

[What's something that you wish people would understand?] Why we answer pointless quizes like this.

[What's something you wish you could understand better?] Quantam Physics.



[Gotten Drunk:] OMGYES

[Worn rainbow:] Reading Rainbow.

[Talked on the phone for over 3 hours:] No. Only 2 hours and 59 minutes, 59 seconds.

[Left the country:] Aruba

[Had a party with over 30 people:] no.

[Stolen something:] I stole a Darth Vader helmet from work once. Well not realy, they were throwing it out.

[Caught something on fire:] NO! FIRE BAD!

[Wanted to cheat on someone:] no

[Asked someone out:] Yes

[Had a dream, then the next day it happens:] NO


[You Touched:] OMG JULIE. Unless I can count myself.

[You Talked to in person:] my mom

[You tallked to on the phone:] my brother

[You hugged/kissed:] I don't even know

[You Instant messaged:] Julie


[Interesting:] Terribly.

[Smart:] Retarded

[Moody:] Sometimes

[Attractive:] I look like Beck right now.

[Bore Easily:] no.

[Controlling:] haha, no


[Happy:] sometimes

[Trusting:] maybe too much

[Talkative:] depends on who I'm with

[Reliable:] Yeah, usually

[Lonely:] ALL TEH TIME! (really)


[Bread?:] I'm morally opposed to wheat

[veggies?:] PO-TA-TO

[Doritos?:] go go nacho cheese

[Pretzels?:] yes

[Chocolate?:] not so much

[Garlic?:] only for fighting vampires

[Veal?:] sometimes

[Chicken?:] always

[Ice cream?:] maybe


[Popcorn?:] Not much

[Pop Tarts?:] <3

[Salad?:] No

[Coke?:] dr pepper

[Pepsi?:] dr pepper

[Gatorade?:] YAR


[Bungee jumped?:] I would if I could

[Gotten a tattoo?:] no

[Sky dived?:] No

[Skinny dipped?:] im so pale, were I to remove my clothing night would become day; day would become blinding.

[Had pop rocks and coke together?:] no

[Played truth or dare?:] yes

[Puked on someone you liked?:] No. I only puke on my enemies.

[Mixed sodas together?:] Yes

[Had sushi?:] Yes

[Had dejavu?:] YES

[Had dejavu?:] LOL IT'S A JOKE

[Stood on your head and drank milk?:] No

[Cried during a movie:] No

[Swallowed gum?:] NO

[Eaten glue?:] I eat paste

[Slept for more than 15 hrs?:] YES
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