Title: Fate Written on Your Hand
Genre: fluff, romance
Pairing: Juntoshi
Summary: They say that once you and your soulmate’s skin touch for the first time, magical things happen. Jun was almost done believing this silly story his mother told him until that fateful day.
A/N: Sorry, I failed to update last Sunday. Anyway, here's the next chapter.
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Comments 8
They are finally going to meet? That is wonderful. They are both so hesitant of ruining what they have so I hope they both have the courage to turn up.
Have I told you lately how much I love this story?
Let's see what will happen to the next chapter. ;)
I can't waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!! please let them meet.... <3
I swear you're not making me sleep because of this story! hahahahha
thanks for the update!
Thanks for reading and hope you read the next chapter!
Jun is really persistent with meeting his soulmate. Now that he got the chance I wonder how shock he'll be ^^
Keep the chapters coming! XD
Hope you enjoy reading more! :D
Well, I'll see.
Sho's cute <3
Thanks so much for sharing!!
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