My blogcrews!

May 24, 2008 12:44

Today I thozght to start collecting some blogcrews! ^__^
My list isn't lobg, but oh... I like it XD

I'll update this whenever I can ^0^


「 彡 ♥[Akanishi Jin] said that HE wants to have MY Babies♥ ミ 」

「 彡 ♥[Yamashita Tomohisa] said that HE wants to have MY Babies♥ ミ 」

When I heard the CAMERA click, I realized

[ Kamenashi Kazuya ]
captured my ♥ with his oh so ADORKABLE SMILE.

Kamenashi Kazuya♡ is 100% made of my pure love

Oguri Shun♡ is 100% made of my pure love


♥ (Hisagi Shuuhei) is my personal 24/7 bodyguard! ♥

I always take my daily shower with [Sabaku no Gaara]

my blogcrews

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