My birthday is coming up on Sunday, October 12th!
I know it'll be even more fun than last year! Mostly because I can't remember what I did for my birthday last year.
As well I have been on a Pokemon fix that has slowly began to over crowd my talent.
Because drawing the actual Pokemon is a boring task that I did back in high school, I have decided to do Anthro or "Furry" versions like Pokemon #248 Tyranitar below:
I am pretty sure that all of them or at least most of them will be women.
Remember, once more, I am doing $7 Chibi commissions to pay for my trip to Japan.
LIKE THIS! (SD type)
AND THIS! (Chibi type)
THIS TOO! (Head type)
Simply tell me which you want and what of.
I can even mat and mail them out to you if you're willing to pay for a shipping of $3.95.
To be continued...
FACT: Everything is better when you're naked.