"Oh Baby don't be glower, I'll make it feel so nice!"
I have found that Eurobeat by far has the stupidest yet most addictive lyrics in the world. And there are good reasons for this:
1. They're usually people from Italy or Japan singing in very broken English.
2. Everything is electronic so there are no real instruments being played to make the music.
3. ???
4. Profit!
For those who don't know what Eurobeat is, it's dance/techno music mostly featured in underground night clubs in, guess where, Europe.
If you have played Dance Dance Revolution, ParaPara Paradise, BeatMania or anything like that, you have heard Eurobeat. 99% Of all their songs are Eurobeat.
But my sugar-induced coma aside, the rest of my week is packed:
Saturday: Work from 11am to 7pm, Go home, Work on Commissions.
Sunday: Go into SF at 11am, Go to the MOMA to write an essay, Meet up with Dad at 2pm in Japantown for belated birthday dinner and shopping, Go home, Work on Commissions.
Monday: Wake up at 6am, Go to class from 8am to 12pm, Go to work from 12:30pm to 3pm, Work on commissions, essay and other art.
Tuesday: Go into SF hang out with Fanny, Go home, Work on commissions, essay and other art.
Wednesday: Work from 9:30am to 12pm, Go to class at 1pm, Go out with Chris for belated birthday dinner, Go home, Work on commissions and other art.
Thursday: Work from 11am to 7pm, Go home, Work on commissions and other art.
Friday (HALLOWEEN!): Work at the Comic Shop in costume for Halloween Safe Trick-or-Treating event from 5pm to 6 or 7pm, Go home and see if there is anything worth doing.
At least I won't be bored...much.
Other then that, remember, once more, I am doing $7 Chibi commissions to pay for my trip to Japan.
LIKE THIS! (SD type)
AND THIS! (Chibi type)
THIS TOO! (Head type)
Simply tell me which you want and what of.
I can even mat and mail them out to you if you're willing to pay for a shipping of $3.95.
To be continued...
Because EVERYONE should love this video as much as I do!