Why I Hate Kids and Other Bitch Fits

Sep 27, 2008 16:42

If you ask any of my friends, they will tell you I say things that people normally reserve for only themselves. However, I feel that if I even attempt to do so, I explode, usually in a fit of misdirected rage and small fuzzy creature crushing.

At my local job, I am expected to do many Comic Shop related duties: dust, organize the shelving, log in credit numbers, charge tabs, vacuum, and above all sell shit.
However it seems that lately I have been expected to other duties. Not by my boss mind you, but by the people outside. Yes, lately it seems I have been made into a babysitter by the lazy 'parents' (if you can call them that) of my community.
Let me explain something to you out there. I am a 23 year-old clerk in a comic book shop, not the 13 year old daughter of the guy you play poker with down the street every Friday. Just because I have toys and books with pictures in it in my shop doesn't mean you can just drop your kid in here for an hour and a half while you go get your hair or shopping done. It would be different if you came back and actually bought something, but most of the time all you do is call your kid and said "I'm out front, come on" and I'm left with no work done and fatigued by the fact that I had to watch your kids to make sure they didn't fuck up my shop, which they still manage to do.

Some people will tell me that it's not a big deal but it is, I don't get paid extra to watch children touch everything I spent a half an hour to fix up in the morning for display, or put all the comics I tediously had to go through and organize by year, series and number. I shouldn't have to tell someone to close the door when they come in or to move their bike because it's blocking the door. It's common sense, people! Teach your kids it!
It's not just the young ones too. I realized that when working at a comic shop, you will be confronted by immature adults too. Mostly male. Given it's not the horrors of Borders where they leave empty drink cups everywhere and stand in the porno section pressed against the support pillar while they touch themselves, but it's still pretty damn bad. Even now I am sitting while two full grown men touch everything in sight with dirty fingers, slurping their bubble teas and grunt obnoxiously.
Thank god I only have an hour and a half to go.

In other news, I have dinner with my mother tonight, so there is only anticipation to what that will hold. At least I will get free food out of it.
Plus Robert is gone, so I'm going to bored and lazy all night.

To be continued...

By they way, the two morons with the bubble tea didn't buy jack crap.

shop, kids, comic, hate

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