(don't ask me why I was compelled to write this. I started out writing something about katas of the Christian faith and ended up with a visit to the dojo :) )
Jujika-Ryu - The way of the Cross
We hold fast to the teachings and revelations of "The Way" set by our living Soke, Jesus Christ. Ours is a school with a grand lineage, dating back thousands of years. Countless are the numbers of masters, many who gave their lives in service of "The Way."
Our basic fundamentals are simple, yet complex. Any one of our current students would be happy in sharing their experiences and testimony. After that, any of us can help you with any questions you may have. Just for visiting our school, you can take this book of testament. Don't be intimidated by the size. Simply start reading the section marked "Gospels" before proceeding to the other sections.
Our daily katas consist of a few items. First we pray. It is a direct communication with our Kami (God) through the Soke (Kami’s son). It may sound supernatural, it is. Don't worry about the wording at first. There are great examples in the book of testament.
The second kata is studying the scripture of the testament. At early levels, memorizing a few verses are essential. Eventually, you will tie together more advanced topics.
Our third kata is meditation. In it, we can either contemplate on matters or sit still and empty our thoughts. Often, when we are still, we can hear the whispers of Kami Himself through the Sei Rei Sama (Holy Spirit).
The last basic kata is of worship. From singing to praising to sometimes even dancing, it is an essential part of the kata set. It reminds us that we study a discipline of joy, of changed hearts and lives.
The ranking system here is unlike any other school you've probably seen. There is no strict hierarchy. No outward symbol of your progress, except that people will notice your joy and compassion. They will sense something different. Also, the highest "ranking", if you will, are the ones who serve the most. They do it not for show, but out of a heart that loves others. Unlike other schools, masters in our art continue with their basic kata daily.
Our discipline is not one of worldly effort. It may seem so at first, and indeed it may take some practice. But we strive to let go. Ironic, huh? The Sei Rei Sama is at work within us, changing us from the inside out.
Lastly, instead of sparring with each other, we take our service to the world at large. Wherever someone is hungry, lonely, hurting, or the like, we minister unto them. Indeed, there is actual sparring going on. Our opponents are unseen. Sometimes as whispers and doubts in our mind. But other times we can actually feel their presence. Don't despair! Our Kami is more powerful than all of them combined! Our Soke, Jesus, has already defeated our opponents for us.
This art will change your life if you take it up daily. The fees have already been paid by the blood of the Soke.
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