Drabble and Ficlet dump! …or something like that
Author: Hime
cess_chan A/N: Sorry if I always fail. These are short stories for you… although they aren’t really ‘stories’. Forgive me if they suck… I’m not used to writing other pairings yet. Haha.
#1 Whole Again - TomaPi
His feelings couldn’t be summed up in a sentence or a paragraph, a short story or anything else. His very existence… This feeling as if something is amiss; something that he’d been missing for a very long time.
“Oi, P!!”
Turning around, he saw Toma waving at him with that all-too-familiar smile plastered on his face.
Sou. He had been missing Toma all these time… But that doesn’t necessarily mean that he’ll continue like this forever. As it is, he can always look back and see Toma looking after him, smiling and encouraging him on with everything. Smiling to himself, he nodded back at Toma before walking away.
It doesn’t matter.
He’ll come back soon. For now, he’ll go on this separate path that fate has provided for him, feeling that soon enough-He’ll be whole again.
#2 Silent Symphony - TegoMass
The room was mute until that voice broke the silence. That voice of a nightingale-that of unknown wonder-began playing; the musical notes wonderfully swept away by the soft winds from the open window. It continued on until a soft knock on the door caused it to stop, the birds perched on the window chirping loudly as if in disagreement of the sudden muteness.
“Tegoshi, why’d you always isolate yourself like this?” There was a hint of amusement in his partner’s voice.
Tegoshi chuckled lightly, the sound coming out beautifully as if he’s still singing. “Gomen ne, Massu… Demo, I’m not really isolating myself… Just… practicing.”
“Oh… But you’re still isolating yourself in doing this.” Massu insisted, closing the door behind him and laying his back flat on the wall before crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Tegoshi looked at him in confusion when he didn’t say anything more. “Do you want to practice with me, Massu?”
“No, I just want to watch you sing. It’s such a beautiful sight to miss even if it’s just a practice, that’s why.” Massu replied, laughing as he saw the other man turn red.
“Sing for me, Tegoshi.”
The younger man turned even redder at this, but just like the trained performer he is, he quickly collected himself and nodded, smiling brightly at the other man. As he took a deep breath and began singing the first words of the song, he could feel his heart sing with him in a silent symphony.
#3 Alibi - NishiKato
The sound of his alarm clock signaled the start of his ‘nightly routine’. It had been going on for a week now and Ryo was surprised that his interest hadn’t faltered like he had thought it would be. He had first done this on a mere whim-curious of how it would be like to actually stalk someone. But as night after night passed by, he became addicted to it-more so, to his prey.
With one last look in the mirror, Ryo grinned, brushing off the hair strand covering his eyes.
It did not took him long to find his prey.
Ryo flattened himself against the tree trunk nearest the bench that Shige is occupying in that park.
Brat. He’s still studying?! Or were those just fiction books?? Ryo thought as he saw the stack of books beside Shige.
A few minutes passed and Ryo began to feel bored at the lack of ‘action’. It was then that an idea crossed his mind.
A devilish grin spread across his face as he took out his handkerchief, approaching the other slowly so as not to get caught. When he had successfully positioned himself behind Shige, he stretched his hanky, all prepared to cover the other man’s eyes with it-
-Only if Shige hadn’t turned around.
Shige blinked. “Nishikido-kun, what are you doing?” He asked, looking from Ryo to the hands clutching the tiny piece of cloth.
Ryo cursed under his breath, sweating profusely at being caught. “I was walking around and I saw you here… Btw, is this yours? I found it near here.”
“No. Nishikido-kun, you’re sweating-”
“-I’ve been running.” Ryo tried to reason out.
Shige was skeptical. “You said you we’re walking pass by here…”
Shit. Busted.
“Whatever, Kato.” Ryo answered instead, wishing he could think of a more convincing alibi. He knew he could. Damned if he couldn’t do just that. And hell, this sudden turn of events is getting on to his nerves-not to mention, Shige isn’t shutting up as well.
“You’re hiding something.”
Ryo scoffed. “I’m not so just shut up.”
“Why are mad?? I’m just ask-“
Shige never had the chance to finish his sentence as Ryo roughly pressed his own lips against Shige’s. He could feel the other’s attempts of protest but he shrugged them off, concentrating on deepening this kiss that he had dreamt of for so many times.
When he felt Shige finally gave in to the kiss, Ryo smiled and withdrew slowly, nipping on the other man’s lower lip as an afterthought. As he saw the glazed look on Shige’s face, Ryo couldn’t help but grin in amusement, thinking that this is so much better than any other alibi.
#4 Mistaken Identity - RyoPi
1 message received.
Hey, what’s up? You haven’t mailed anything to me since last night >_< I know this is weird but I do really miss you already. Just give me a ring or leave any message later, okay? I’ll be waiting for it.
*hugs you tightly*
A dark frown immediately appeared on the Sexy Osaka Man’s face after reading that mail. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this but heck-Pi is taking too long in the shower. It’s not his fault that he’s bored, is it?
Fuming, Ryo sat the keitai down on the table while taking a mental note to ask Pi about the ‘all-too-familiar’ message from a ‘suspicious sender’. When another 5 minutes passed and Ryo’s patience reached his limit, he got up and got himself ready to storm into the bathroom and strangle his boyfriend there-only to be stopped by the message tone from YamaPi’s keitai.
Ryo took the keitai after stealing a glance at the bathroom door to see if YamaPi’s finish yet before heading on to read the new mail.
Change of plans. I’ll go there right away… You owe me something so don’t you ever try to hide from me. *pout pout*
Ja, see you in a minute ^_^ *heart*
Just who the fuck on earth is this??!?! Ryo’s mind screamed when he noticed that it was from the same sender. Ryo was about to place the keitai back when YamaPi opened the bathroom door and caught him red-handed.
Ryo had thought of using an alibi but he realized that it wasn’t really ‘him’ who needs to use it and do some explaining. It is Pi who needs to explain who the fucking bitch is this mailing him things that-even Ryo had to admit (blushing in embarrassment) -that only he should be mailing to Pi.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had a date last night?”
YamaPi paused for a moment before smiling sheepishly. “Well, err… It’s just like a private bonding. I promised to take her out.”
Ryo’s eyes grew large. “And you did that without informing me, your boyfriend?” YamaPi didn’t have the chance to explain further as Ryo rattled on his amazingly weird and self-centered speech of how much of a two-timing idiot YamaPi is.
“-Damn it to hell. I’m offering you my hot body and priceless self that lots of obnoxious fangirls who doesn’t give a single cent about our privacy is absolutely dying for! And yet, here you are-the two-timing wimp who doesn’t know just how much he’ll miss when he chooses whoever that bitch is over me. Gads, did you turn into Jin?”
YamaPi blinked furiously. “I’d rather die than turn into Jin @_@”
Ryo’s frown became even darker. “Just choose: Me or the slut?”
YamaPi became red at this as well-but it’s not because he’s embarrassed or anything. In fact, he looks pretty mad now. “Don’t you ever call her like that, Ryo-chan.”
Ryo scoffed. “So you like her, eh?”
“Ryo-chan, she’s-“
“She’s here,” Ryo mused, pissed off at how things turned out. Without another word, Ryo approached the door and slammed it open, ready to assault whoever this girl is when his voice suddenly caught in his throat at the sight of the familiar face on the doorway.
“Nishikido-kun, you’re here!” Rina beamed at the sight of her brother’s lover. “Is nii-chan inside?”
Ryo could only nod. He sensed a presence behind him and he blushed in embarrassment. Moving to the side to make a space for Rina to pass by, he could see from the corner of his eye that YamaPi is grinning from ear to ear.
Fuck you, he mouthed.
When Rina has comfortably settled herself on the couch, Ryo followed suit, still fuming at how his brilliant mind was fooled by this case of mistaken identity.
Comments and criticisms are love. Yeah. I’ve been saying that for ages but..well…just so you know, I never get tired of them *although I know you’re getting tired of making them already* accck. here.