Title: YamaPi's Valentine Mishap (Or Tegoshi's Manly Valentine)
Author: Hime
cess-chanRating: PG
Pairing: TegoPi
Summary: An early visit on Valentine's day brought changes to YamaPi-BIGTIME.
A/N: Really short and more into humor than romance. I failed. Yet again. (O_o)
MAN; defined. )
Comments 20
late night swingers and this is what he get for v-day?
tegoshi's playing dress up so cute but pi..... and that bra part!
XDDDDDDD he's so screwed ne... that's funny hime!
thans for reading this trash even though it's too short *hugs yani-chan*
this is my fave lines :
"I love you too, Tomohisa but..." Tegoshi paused as he placed a hand on YamaPi's teasing ones. "No sex for one whole month if you try seducing me like this again!
who said valentine only goes for fluff and romantic things? LOL
*whispers* do you think Tegoshi could even wait for that loooong himself? I'll bet he'll seduce P before the month ends as well. haha
*whispers back to hime* he definitely couldn't! haha our little slutty tego surely wouldn't able to wait that long xDD
Poor pi... XDDD
Tego's just too hilarious... :D
Thanks for writing, Hime-chan~
No prob, dephi! Thanks for reading too *hugs*
I like it Cess~
and yes... Tego!seme and Pi!uke is definitely something. haha. *hugs*
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