Well! After a few days out, I finaly got some photos of stuff for your guys. harhar.
PVC project and then some arts.
Back home and a bit more settled, although the jet lag is still giving me a little in the way of head aches still. It felt good to sweep and mop the floor to the soundage of Burning Hotels and the soundtrack to 500 days of Summer. I also set to another project yesterday,I spent most of the last two looking up lap top stands as Chris's backlit keyboard had me jelouse and I am fairly certian that at some point this year I will have to get one.
So after much looking I decided that what is there to buy for stands, well I plainly could not find one that I eather liked or thought deserving of the price...so I went with a much simpler design:
After $12 spent, some PVC pipe, caps, connectors, and electric tape as well as a hack saw, I am quite pleased with my self made stand. There is a second design as well. I can easily convert it to the second design when I at some point get a nice keyboard.
Now for some arts. I did sketching and painted a few things while in KY..and I have now, a small list of things to paint. I have to admit it might be a bit before I have anything really refined because my sister leaves in 3 weeks, and my Dad will be leaving in 3 for Washington state,so I have a feeling it will be quite busy.
One of PC's new sculpts is a, un-named at the point i was visiting, dragon based off the Armadillo Lizard. I ended up calling it the Thorntail. This one was painted specificly for PC herself in a color I painted prior on a pyo dragon she baught called Fall Fern. (she gave me an octopus to paint for myself in return)
And While I was out there, she also had an Iguana sculpt that she had baught but did not really like, so I was happy to repaint it! sadly a few of his spines broke off in shipping, so i will need to fix that before taking some real nice final photos:
And for the sketches! lost of random alien ideas.
I've been working on this one for a while and think I am finaly getting the design to what I want it to be. just a wierd eyeless furry critter with a big mouth:
Hyena based design.
TEF re-inked
another prior sketch re-inked:
Influenza. I have been working on him for a while, he came up when i was watching a documentary on the viris. I rather like him and hope to make a few more disease based aliens:
Alien version of a cow...perhaps... it's design has been puzzling me for some time now...hence all the sketching:
more. and one of xenon's zipper mouths:
an idea to be played with later:
some plain photos: