So I have some ranting, but also, lo and behold, a few tiny contributions of art!
DA=Epic fail.
I just finished reading some of the journals in my inbox which is the provoking of this spontaniose rant.
It seems like every time I go to check my inbox there is some sort of stuff going that I swear, after I finish reading it, I feel like brain cells in my head spontaneously combusted because they could not process the stupidity of the info. It also make me think with abhorrence how stupid some of the meaningless little stuff I used to post years ago must have been viewed.If it was not for a few artists I highly respect and very much so think are outstanding characters in them selves as well as create lovely art, I'd probably completely quit that unprofessional bag of whinage.
Aha, but don't mind that, you guys know I am just venting about stuff most of us already know is the definition of DA.(I promise, there is no new bad thing)
Ok, I am done ranting meaningless non-sense. Here is some minimal arts I found I had...attemped:
This is a Fennedible for Dayoraks contest on DA.
Sketcher. No one was I took over the page...and then some one showed up. It must have looked like a group of people had been drawing, ha.
Flare and Raven! although hooman Raven looks like one of Twelfth's dudes. whoops.
omg they upgraded Sketcher! I tried it and got pissed off. Still figuring out the controls. there is more of them now. The one in the strait jacket is an idea for my Disease Aliens. I need a better name for them over all.
And here is the real stuff that has been taking up my time when I am not in town or doing housework.
The white one is from a commissioner that wants me to do work on it. and the darkest one is one my sister painted.