Blast from the Past...

Sep 01, 2004 07:50

I know I was supposed to be going to bed, but I got caught up in going through my old journal entries and found this neato list. I thought I'd update it a little.

Current Clothes: tank top and pj bottoms
Current Mood: sleeeeeepy
Current Music: none
Current Taste: PB & J
Current Hair: brown with neato red highlights, shoulder-length
Current Annoyance: that one time of the month that I loathe being a girl...
Current Smell: tropical rain candles
Current thing that u should be doing: sleeping so i'm not dead at work tonight
Current Desktop Picture: depends on what computer you're talking about... PC#1 has a dt of Teryl Rothery, PC#2 has a dt of Moya, Laptop#1 has a dt of Freelancer, Laptop#2 has a dt of Foamy
Current Favorite Artist: Nene Thomas
Current Favorite Group: I don't think I have a favorite group... I like music... all kinds... but lately I've been wanting to listen to a bunch of techno and industrial
Current Book: Bitten - Kelley Armstrong
Current CD in CD Player: well, since all my CDs and my stereo deck were stolen, nothing :P
Current DVD In Player: Uh, I think Animal House, a few Stargate SG-1, and Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
Current Color Of Toenails: nada...all natural :D
Current Refreshment: Diet Coke w/ Lime
Current Worry: money
Current Crush: Angelina Jolie... but that's pretty much a constant for me
Current Favorite Celebrity: hell, i dunno... Teryl Rothery, AJ, and Foamy

You Touched: Erin (sister)
You Talked to: Kelly (sister)
You Hugged: Erin
You Instant messaged: Bob
You Yelled At: I've yelled at someone recently..?
You Had A Crush On: hmm... nobody, really...
Who Broke Your Heart: Meredith

Food: rice and peanut sauce
Drink: Jamba!
Color: black, blue, green...pretty much anything that's not pastel
Album: any of my kick ass mixes are good...
Shoes: Vans
Movie: There are a lot. Princess Bride, Labrynth, Dark Crystal, Neverending Story. More recently, Gone in 60 Seconds, EuroTrip, LoTR, Pi, Matrix
Song: ha! that's worse than asking me my favorite movie... not even gonna go there.
Vegetable: brocolli
Fruit: just about everything, actually

Understanding: yep, sometimes to a fault..
Open-minded: duh
Arrogant: nope
Insecure: sometimes
Interesting: I'd like to hope so :D
Hungry: sorta
Friendly: I've been told I am
Smart: I think I am (would that be arrogant..? :D)
Moody: can be.. depends
Childish: maybe not childish, but I know how to have fun :
Independent: yep, don't like no one tellin' me what to do
Hard working: yep
Organized: depends on what it is.. at work, yes; at home, somewhat :D
Healthy: for the most part...
Emotionally Stable: yeah
Shy: yep, especially when it comes to certain things
Difficult: I don't think so..
Attractive: I've been told I am...
Bored Easily: depends on if I've stuff to do or not :D there's only so much computer I can handle tho..
Messy: my room, yes.. the rest of my house, no (if I had my way, that is :P)
Thirsty: somewhat
Responsible: yep
Obsessed: depends.. that's so broad :P
Angry: not usually and I don't stay mad long
Sad: not really
Happy: typically...
Trusting: not as much as I used to be (you know, that whole life experience thing), but I still trust some people.
Talkative: depends.. with some people yes, with others a little, with total strangers, not really
Legal: yep
Original: I'm me, so yeah :D
Ignored: sometimes I feel I am.
Content: for the most part
Optimistic: sure.. something good should come my way at SOME point :P
Deep thinker: can be.. I normally keep those thoughts to myself tho
Self-disciplined: heh..
Sleepy: exhausted...
Lonely: sometimes

Kill: no one really..
Slap: idiots, the ones i know more than the ones i don't know
Get Really Wasted With: Mikey, just because we have way too much fun when we're blasted :D
Tickle: no one really.. I'm ticklish and don't like being tickled so why do that to someone else?
Look Like: uhm, me?
Be Like: other than me? Probably my mom :D
talk to: no one right now
Talk To Online: Mikey..but maybe later.
sleep with: again with the *broad* category...
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